jeudi 13 juillet 2017

Bloomberg gun control group gloats as Republicans sit around doing nothing

Politico story link


While Republicans in Washington keep promising rollbacks of gun control laws — though they so far haven’t taken action on any on it — Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety group is claiming another round of success in new restrictions passed at the state level.


Louisiana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Tennessee and Utah all passed new restrictions on firearms for domestic abusers.


Everytown and other advocates are also claiming victory in gun lobby losses, noting that 17 of 18 states rejected bills to allow guns in schools and 14 of 16 states rejected bills to allow guns on college campuses. The report card tracks 20 of 22 states that didn’t pass bills that would have eliminated requirements for permits to carry guns, a top priority for the National Rifle Association.

They are clever to focus on penalties for domestic abusers and for people who fail background tests, since neither group has much support in conservative circles either. However, they are implying that those successes are part of a new anti-gun movement, when that is clearly not the case.

It is a bit disappointing that so many states have considered constitutional carry but not adopted it; however, I don't know if I'd call that a victory for gun control, either, since some HAVE adopted it, and others are now at least openly debating it. This would have sounded alien to the average American a few years ago.

Meanwhile, Republicans in Washington sit on their butts staring at the ceiling, thinking how much better things would be if they lost either the House or Senate so they could pretend to be conservative again. "We voted 352 times for it, but those gosh darn Democrats keep blocking it!!11" Much more fun than "we, uh, just can't, uh, find the time to do anything whatsoever, all our time goes into slack-jawed staring at the ceiling." I hate the Republican Party so much.

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Bloomberg gun control group gloats as Republicans sit around doing nothing

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