jeudi 20 juillet 2017

The Worth of All People

I just ran across a statement from a progressive that may give insight into liberal thinking.

This is part of a conversation between a friend of mine and the progressive about illegal aliens, voting, drivers license, etc:

The "worth of all people" is an official core value of the faith tradition that Kyle and I dearly embrace. There are no specific official directives on how to interpret or act on that value but many see the Trump immigration approach as an abuse of that value. Perhaps that makes things a little clearer.

Human rights > "American rights" Funny that America makes the rules up on immigration and people being here "illegally", huh?

In other words, the law doesn't apply because they believe "human rights" trump the law. Illegals have as much right to be here as American citizens.

I wonder where that concept developed and where these people learned it. Their attitude in the conversation was one of superiority and condensation to anyone who disagreed.

"Houston, we have a problem." And there is no quick, easy, clean solution.

Be Prepared !

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The Worth of All People

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