lundi 4 décembre 2017

charity work overseas, concerns & questions please?

Hey! so, i have a new young lady (early 20's) that joined our work team at the job who is studying to be a nurse. She mentioned she wanted to look into working with Red Cross or Doctors without Borders after she gets her degree.

I said that would be interesting work but if youre gonna do that take some sort of civilian SERE training in case you have some sort of serious trouble. her reply is that she grew up hunting and fishing and could take care of herself & knew how to shoot a gun. i asked if they would let her have a gun (doubtful). and she made this reply with the smugness of youth.

My questions:

do these charity/volunteer organizations (Red Cross, DWB's, etc) provide REAL training on dealing with kidnapping, terrorist or other threats that could take them hostage, escape, survival, etc?

Do these volunteer groups actually let you have a firearm?!? my guess is no due to the fear of making a situation worse (?).

is there any affordable and serious training schools she could attend?
I know Randall Adventure Training is really good.... others?

any other info you have would appreciate it! thank you!

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charity work overseas, concerns & questions please?

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