mardi 5 décembre 2017

How many preppers really prepare?

As opposed to just accumulating gear and cherry picking skills they enjoy?

1. One of the biggest questions to me is who has practiced an actual bugout drill? Done a timed scenario(maybe hurricane or tsunami incoming, mass riots, whatever) packed the vehicle, picked up the kids and wife and didn't stop timing until the vehicle hit the road or the house was bugged in or rucksacks were on backs? Who actually knows their response time, proven, for each?

2.Who does inventory broken into periodic checks

Eg Monthly- Optics, weapons, kits, first aid stores, battery charging
Quarterly - Auto, Electrical and mechanical.
Half yearly- food stores.
Annual 100% inventory including all caches.
Or however you like to structure it?

3. Who has a training plan, for all the skills they aren't good at, or aren't as fun as shooting guns?

4. Who just enjoys buying stuff online, putting together molle covered bags of items, accumulating gigs of survival downloads, shooting bottles at their buddies ranch, hunting 2 deer a year and calling it all 'prepping'?

I don't think the military system serves survivalists in all ways. But I think their system of checks and drills are one area with direct benefit to streamlining, optimising and developing actual response ability. The good news is the checks only take a few minutes a month once you are used to them, they will streamline your entire inventory, you will know you can hit the road in an exact timeframe.

EG practices, drills and scenarios do not just speed up responses. They ( bluntly) identify holes in procedures, they also pull the system closer together. For example rather than days of keyboard 'analysis paralysis' over whether to have 'XYZ item' in the bugout kit or the INCH kit, try loading everything under time pressure and you will find XYZ's place in the scheme of things( and about 100 other items) becomes much clearer...

And inventory checks don't just ensure you have the stuff, they ensure you are 100% familiar with what it is, its operation, how to inspect it, even minor repairs, and can recall where most of it is at any one time and retrieve it instantly.

I have to admit I see a lot of expertise on the forums, but have been most surprised by the lack of conversation on the above... which indicates to me very few people are doing it? I could be wrong but that is how I am seeing it.

I also thought more folk would find these sort of fun to be honest. Not that I live to get the family out of bed in the middle of the night screaming "nuclear attack' but running a drill or even bugging all the way out to your BOL can be an exciting project , you get to actually play with your stuff and can even combine it with camping etc.

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How many preppers really prepare?

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