vendredi 9 mars 2018

Could the Gun rights groups inadvertently betray us?

Could the Gun rights groups inadvertently betray us?

This question has been banting about in my head now for weeks.

If lets say the Dems. get control of the WH and the houses both.
Lets say they pass asset of laws that subsequently deprive us of our constitutional rights, (not just 2) but in order to "punish," re-educate, control or otherwise hold down those who would oppose them, would they serve warrants for or just go to the gun rights organizations and get the mailing lists of members?

This may seem a bit far fetched to some, but those who remember the original Red Dawn a cursory warning over the 4473's was given when they were to use those in the movie to find the gun owners.

I know we have NCIS, but that doesn't give a complete picture.

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Could the Gun rights groups inadvertently betray us?

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