jeudi 1 mars 2018

driving age vs gun age hypocrisy

Here is further proof that saving lives is not what gun control is about. Drivers age 16 - 19, per mile driven, have three times the fatal crashes than those 20 and over, with a high proportion of those crashes 16 and 17. But there is no mass movement to raise the driving age to 21, as there is to raise the age of having a rifle. And there is not even a Constitutional right to drive.

If saving lives, especially the lives of high school kids, was the purpose behind this recent gun control propaganda blitz, the same people behind it would have been trying just as hard to raise the age to drive. But they aren't even talking about it.

I'm not advocating for raising the driving age by the way. (The voting age maybe but not the driving age.) I'm just pointing out this hypocrisy, because when the lies and hypocrisy are stripped away from the gun control arguments there is nothing left but intolerance, and an attempt to concentrate power over the many into the hands of the few. And this needs to be made as clear as we can make it, in order to counter the big lie campaigns of the liberal press.

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driving age vs gun age hypocrisy

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