lundi 5 mars 2018

ETON FRX5-BT vs Kaito VoyagerPro KA-600L?

I'm curious if anyone has experience with either of these radios? I'm looking to merge the capabilities of 2 emergency/weather radios I own into a single unit for the house and these 2 are at the top of my list:

I have experience with ETON and they make a decent radio. This radio has a large solar panel compared to most and has S.A.M.E/NOAA weather alerts. Bluetooth connectivity is not essential but nice, and I could see the radio actually getting more use than just sitting on the table waiting for a weather alert because of the bluetooth. Only has standard FM and AM broadcast reception, which is probably all that I need. The built-in solar panel is one of the largest I've seen for a radio like this.

The Kaito radio has the added benefit of SW and LW reception. Reviews tend to be all over the place (people seem to love it or hate it), mostly focused on quality control issues and reception issues. Most of the hate seems to be focused on the KA-600 model (no "L") so I'm not sure if quality issues have been resolved in the latest version. It has NOAA Alerts, but doesn't look like it has S.A.M.E. The solar panel is awfully small.

The 2 existing radios I have (Sangean CL-100, ETON FR-400) both work fine but I'm just trying to have less "stuff", and will either get sold, or gifted to family members. The Sangean is strictly a plug-in alarm clock/weather radio. The FR-400 is from before TV converted to digital and I would need to do some work to convert the phone charger connection to micro-USB, so I think compared to today's options, it is a bit obsolete. I already sold a Grundig radio I owned that was SW capable since I never used it.


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ETON FRX5-BT vs Kaito VoyagerPro KA-600L?

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