lundi 5 mars 2018

Some ideas please.....

I accepted the position of Pastor for a small church a few months ago. I have a concealed carry license and carry most of the time. I know of another in the church who carries....but it's a derringer he puts in his pocket and I suspect it's not accurate past a few feet.

I've already split the chairs so the main isle goes from the entry door straight up to the pulpit area. This will focus the attention on any active shooter straight up to me and allow the members to maybe throw a book or something to distract a shooter. (I also won't have to worry about a member standing up and into my line of if you know what I mean.)

I don't expect that sort of issue in the church, but am trying to think ahead. That said, I also put together a first aid kit (they never had one). Gauze, 4x4s, gloves, a CPR mask, bandaids, wrapping material and a tourniquet round out the kit.

Does anyone have more suggestions or ideas?

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Some ideas please.....

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