dimanche 11 mars 2018

Florida's Light Attack On The 2A

Now that the emotionally charged State Government of Florida has raised the rifle-purchasing age from 18 to 21 I'm left with some questions:

1) What should America consider the "age of accountability" to be: 18 or 21?

2) If Florida and Trump don't consider 18-year-olds to be responsible enough to buy guns should they consider them old enough to vote or serve in the military? How can someone who isn't considered responsible enough to buy and handle a gun be responsible enough to mold America's leadership in the voting booth?

3) What Constitutional protection is afforded to 18, 19, and 20-year-old voters who happen to live by themselves? Since they can't buy self protection for their home, family, and for themselves are they to rely on Florida's law enforcement personnel to protect them should someone break into their homes? What about single 19-year-old women who live alone? Should they simply curl up in a corner while a would-be rapist attacks them?

4) If it's possible for government to infringe on a voter's age (age discrimination) today then what's to stop a more Leftist regime from changing the age from 21 to 30 at some future time?

5) Could would-be gun buyers who happen to be under 21 have a basis for a class-action lawsuit against a government who denies their right to buy self defense?

My dad bought me my first gun (Winchester 30.30) when I was 12. I'm 57 now and have never pointed a gun at another human being (let alone shoot one).

The Parkland shooting had far less to do with the killer's age as it did with the absolute failure of the FBI and local law enforcement. Why punish the American people by raising the buying age from 18 to 21 when the real culprits were the very leaders who are calling for more gun control. LUDICROUS!

Reminder: Most of the most recent mass shooters have been OVER 21 years old so what benefit is there to punish young, responsible gun lovers for the actions of some lunatic who happened to be 19?

Thanks to the Republicans ... the Democrats took another baby step towards stifling our gun rights!

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Florida's Light Attack On The 2A

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