vendredi 9 mars 2018

Guns aren't the problems in schools, getting in them is the problem..

Here's my solution:

Years ago I had to go on a site visit to Falcon AFB, outside of Colorado Springs and to get into the facility, I had to step up into a booth. In the booth, I had to enter my access code and look into a retina scanner. The platform I was standing on weighed me as well. The air flowing in the booth was probably sniffing for gun powder or explosives.

So why can't we do that to schools? Lock ALL the doors except for the main entrance. Make every school a closed campus, no more sneaking out and going to McD's for lunch, eat what you brought or eat in the cafeteria.

All the other doors in the schools would have magnetic locks that could only be operated by the folks working outside those booths I mentioned at first. No more sneaking your buddy in after he skipped class or went out to his car to smoke..

Have the security guards work for the federal government, that way if someone commits a crime, they go to a REAL prison. Make the school grounds a federal site so that if you do get on campus with a gun and shoot at a cop, it's a federal crime. Shooting a student in a school would be a federal crime as well.

If you commit a heinous crime on school grounds and you get arrested, you have 60 days to plead your case. Until then you'll be in solitary confinement.

Put Sheriff Joe from Arizona in charge of it all so he'll make sure you're wearing pink shorts and t-shirts and sleeping in old military tents in the heat and cold. Give them two tv stations to watch, the weather and the religion channel. Then they can spend their time praying that the temperature get warmer or cooler for the next day. Ohh, and they better love baloney sandwiches too.

Sentences for convicted school shooters should be at a minimum life with no parole.

How do we make the prisons pay for themselves? Follow the way of Co-Op markets. One prison raises vegetables, another raises cattle, still another makes clothes, etc.. etc.. Take 50% of what they produce right off the top to take care of the homeless problems this country is facing in every major city.

Let's start saving money on building new schools with fancy designs for every one.. Why not make a few designs, one for each difference in size of the schools student body.. I.E. 1-500 students gets design A, 501-1000 gets design B.. etc.. Why do we have to pay for a new design for every school that gets built? Think of the hundreds of millions of dollars we'd save if we used a cookie cutter design on every new school.

Then let's look at the sports programs for the schools and how they're being run. My son and his wife have 6 kids. It costs $700 per child for each sport they want to play in high school. What the HECK is that money paying for? Tell me they don't reuse football padding, weight room weights, basketballs, footballs, baseball bats and balls..

The money saved in these paragraphs above would easily pay for the booths for students entering the school and probably a good portion of the salary for the added security officers.

Guns... There, I mentioned guns.. If everything is locked down, guns don't get in, students and teachers don't get shot, sheriff deputies don't sit outside and wait until the shooting stops..

Am I for or against assault rifles? I don't own any myself, can't see a real need for one either. I'd rather pump out 8 rounds of 00 buck out of my two shotguns.. Let's see, that about 15 .30 cal roundballs per shot... 2 shots and I've put out as much firepower as a 30 round mag and I've still got 6 more to go.

If I have to carry a pistol. it'll be a Keltec P-30 in .22 mag with a 30 round mag.

As for ages of people buying rifles and pistols, 21 shouldn't be a problem. Heck, alcohol and cigarettes can go back to 21 as well as far as I'm concerned.

What do ya'll think?? The first 10 paragraphs or so of this post had nothing to do with who could buy what.. If your 18 y/o can't buy one but, you have one, guess what, he can get it and use it. Be that booze, cigarettes, or guns.

If the cops catch them underage with any of those three things, FELONY Conviction.. Maybe then they'll learn to obey laws.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Guns aren't the problems in schools, getting in them is the problem..

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