mercredi 7 mars 2018

How GIS is bringing tyranny

So being in the field, I get all kinds of goodies in my email over what is coming down the pike with GIS.

Here is one of great interest to me and to everyone else here.


Spatial-analytics firm Esri is looking to supercharge its mapping capabilities. The company said today it has acquired location data-extration tools from ClearTerra, a company that specializes in geospatial software products. The tech, LocateXT, will allow users of Esri’s mapping platform to more easily extract geographic coordinates from “unstructured” textual data—like emails or intelligence briefingsand instantly generate maps with the information. Esri says the new capabilities will especially benefit organizations in defense, public safety, and intelligence, which tend to deal with large amounts of unstructured data.
Can anyone say NSA email snooping?


Unstructured information typically presents a challenge for geographic information systems, because it is not organized in a pre-defined model.

Per the announcement:

“ClearTerra LocateXT technology allows analysts to rapidly scan through documents without having to spend hours reading, copying, pasting, and running spreadsheet formulas, placing the results instantly into geospatial features.”

Now understand there is another aspect here. Crowd sourcing. This is something I have touched on before. That is data that is either given (through twitter or Fakebook feeds) RSS feeds, or telemetry data collected from electronic transactions.

By assigning those points (geo-coded metadata) into a map, the entities studying the data can now see "hot spots" of where events are taking place. not just military, but civil. this is well beyond anything Orwell thought up.

Now lets apply that to guns. Purchase of ammunition accessories, etc, along with the NCIS system, puts a point on where a firearm is or should be. then using that data, a simple matter of collection becomes very easy.

Or in a more insidious manner, the collection, obfuscation and/or isolation of individuals with guns through an Operation Chokepoint like system or the new Chinese social credit system
you now have the means and ability to squeeze people into submission.
Additionally, ANY trigger of non-firearm related actions clustered into one area that could CONSTRUE firearm use, ownership, etc, can now be analyzed,.

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How GIS is bringing tyranny

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