dimanche 11 mars 2018

Societies' collapse. Some of the signs.

There is much more, but this is what to look for and compare with.

The easiest way to understand what is about to happen to the country is to look into history.

We are about to collapse in a major way and there is nothing at this point that can stop it.
In every pre-large civilization, any collapse was following certain events.

What is civilization?

Civilization is a large group of people that creates unique and substantial cultural, political, artistic, economic, and military prowess. Its primary core of definition is a cohesive nature amongst the citizenry that has a universal and continual nature that can be defined and typically is associated universally amongst outsiders.

What are the signs that it is on the path to decline and death?

1: Decentralized power.
2: Re-regionalization.
3: A distinct class-based separation of civilian life that becomes more intense and separate.
4: A distinct action by higher classes to separate and hoard resources and to "clan up" into groups.
5: A fortifying of gentry classes to defend themselves from the hordes of the poor.
6: Massive increase in military actions (typically to conquer other nation's resources).
7: Depletion of nation's monetary reserves.
8: Evermore elaborate and grandiose civil projects to deflect attention from the lower classes.

1: Decentralized power.
This simply is when the centralized government no longer has the ability and even desire to try and enforce overall rule. This however is not typically the only or first move. This is usually found after many decades of decline in power. But usually marked by the obtuse and blatant disregard for centralized law and a disregard for the rule of law in general.

2: Re-regionalization.
Though not found in every collapse of civilized societies, the re-regionalization is usually a result of or is a part of the de-centralization aspect. This is usually the local answer for the breakdown in the rule of law. It usually leads to unusual and regionally specific laws and actions. This causes an aggregation of the larger society and the eventual collapse of it.

3: A distinct class-based separation of civilian life that becomes more intense and separate.
Laws on the books currently including assaults on the Second Amendment, the Affordable Care Act, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, etc, causes a separation of resources and a form of rationing that gives the lion's share of the resources and societal luxuries to the gentry classes. This is usually something that is a result of the awareness of the gentry class that the overall health of a nation is in severe decline. This is basically the rich's Cover Your Ass actions.

4: A distinct action by higher classes to separate and hoard resources and to "clan up" into groups.
Events along these lines have been happening for some time in the US and other nations. This includes creating laws that give special and preferential treatment to certain groups over others. Usually on a class type system the lower classes take the brunt of the negative and slowly the process erodes upward until the upper classes are either fully separated out and hidden from the populace at large, or worse for them, taken by the poorer classes and they are destroyed. Currently, the US is at the point where the upper classes are staging their positions (gaming their place) to protect themselves from this collapse.
The ACA is a prime example of this type of action where healthcare is rationed and controlled to an extent that precludes most lower classes.

5: A fortifying of gentry classes to defend themselves from the hordes of the poor.
Much like the "lower classes" that saw the writing on the wall years ago, many of the upper classes are moving to protect themselves from collapse and even set up industries for profit after such collapse. This includes hoarding of land. Moving to get public resources into private hands of just a few.
(Hello Bundy and Koch Bro. Supporters. This is where the right has useful idiots within their own ranks.)
This is the REAL motivation for the State's Rights/State and Federal Land push. Trust me folks, the real motivation is pure money.

6: Massive increase in military actions (typically to conquer other nation's resources).
This is self-explanatory but with an unusual exception. Typically, in the past, resources (usually food and water/land) but now oil and other mineral resources are invaded as in the case of Iraq, and then handed back over to some degree to the country invaded. (I say some degree because there are in fact contractual obligations that the Iranians have toward the US involving oil.) The Shaw was installed by the CIA and the handover of the land rights in Iran was then given to large corporations.
What is happening at this moment however is a call to invade or cause other military actions for "freedom" sake. But read between the lines on this.

7: Depletion of nation's monetary reserves.
Done and done in the US. We have been working on fiat monetary policies for over 50 years now and its showing. This was one the primary causes for the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Not the only reason but a huge player. The US is now engaged in a system of monetary spending and creation on a level never seen before and well beyond the tipping point. The only reason why we have not seen a larger collapse is the constant printing of money. These actions usually to the afore mentioned de-centralization as monies needed to repair infrastructure and feed people are used for everything else.

8: Evermore elaborate and grandiose civil projects to deflect attention from the lower classes.
This is a huge red flag. The intent is diversion from the problems the government is involved with. When this point is reached, usually the nation's reserves are depleted. The intent is to put focus on projects for two primary reasons.
A: diversion as mentioned.
B: A false hope by leaders to make the leadership look omni-potent and therefore rule is absolute.

Not every point will occur or in the order listed.

This list is more of a layout of the events most common in civilized collapse.
Rome, Mesopotamia, Harappan, Toltec, Mayan, Minoan and many others have experienced some level of this.

We have not yet reached the point where food resources are threatened by much, but rules, regulations, over use, monoculture, pesticides, political rules, regulations, hyper inflated business practices, poor economic and delivery systems and a host of other aspects are brewed together into a witches' brew of poison that will cause the food system to collapse. It has not yet taken full effect, but the warning signs are already there.

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Societies' collapse. Some of the signs.

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