mercredi 14 mars 2018

What cause food intolerance?


Originally Posted by varunaView Post
I'm currently 39 years old, back when I was 20'ish I could easily consume any animals (reptiles, insects, mollusks, sea fishes, and mammals) raw (without any kind of cooking) including drinking raw snake blood as substitute of water without any apparent problem.

However when I was 28 years old I've began to suffer from lactose intolerance which getting worse as time goes. By 30's years old I no longer able to consume raw egg, and recently I also catching diarrhea for 3 days after consuming not-so potable water (which never happen before)

What are the causes of such food intolerance that were developed over time?

Thanks beforehand

It can work both ways actually. My peanut allergy has faded over the decades. What used to be a guaranteed trip to the ER for an Epi shot is now just a long bad night on the toilet and a nasty taste in my mouth for a few days.

Slow exposure does sometimes build a tolerance, but too much too fast causes a sensitivity reaction. Then it's like being allergic until you let enough years pass in a low toxicity environment. If your system just keeps being exposed to problem materials then the sensitivity never dies down. Your body will just keep dumping histamines on you to train you away from getting near stuff that it doesn't want to see put in you.

But in at least one of your problem cases I think we can chalk it up to intestinal flora changes. You have a lot of gut bacteria but it dies off slowly as you age. There are even medical treatments where they put a bit of baby crap inside you to rebuild that gut bacteria base. Plus that's also why yogurt and other fermented foods are so popular. Maybe see if you can lay your hands on a couple jars of real Korean Kimchi or properly made German sauerkraut. And since you live in Asia you may have the gene that is lactose intolerant. Your body may have just been able to handle it when you had that supercharged teenage gut flora.

Finally, everyone sees their supply of stomach enzymes drop over time. These really help to break down food before your intestinal flora gets the food.

Fact is that people get more gassy as they age because their enzyme levels are dropping. You can fight back a bit but it's only a matter of a delaying action.

Or in the case of MikeK his gut raised the white flag ages ago.

Find ways to be kinder to your gut. You aren't a teenager anymore. Getting older just sucks sometimes but it's better than the alternative.

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What cause food intolerance?

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