jeudi 10 mai 2018

A SHTF scenario near the Mexican border


Originally Posted by pengyouView Post

It sounds like living near the Mexican border is the last place where I would want to live...but when I think about it, maybe that would keep a lot of other people from the North away from the Mexican border in a crisis. In a SHTF scenario, what do you think land in the US 20 miles or so from the Mexican border is going to be like? Would a lot of people (from north and sound) avoid the area because they think it is dangerous?

If you've ever been by the Mexican border, at least by the gates, you'd know those living there didn't move far once the crossed. This doesn't include farmers and such but the city dweller.

It'll be a lot like it is now aside from fewer cops/alphabet agencies thus leading to shooting first.

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A SHTF scenario near the Mexican border

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