vendredi 11 mai 2018

Is Black Lives Matter a Hate Group?

Your thoughts please...

IMO, they are not only a horrible Hate-Group they are by far the worse in America. They have openly called for the death and murder of Police Officers very publically.

If you take a look at the Black Lives Matter Twitter feed, you'll find photos of activists wearing shirts that say, "Assata Taught Me."

Clearly we see Black Lives Matter mob laying siege to towns across America. One left leaning city went so far as to give them space to destroy. Anti-cop rhetoric is chanted. People are assaulted. Buildings are burnt down. Molotov cocktails are thrown.

And yet, their enablers within the media and on the left continue to pretend it never happened.

They chant about dead cops and "Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon!"

"KILL all white people" and call for the lynching of whites and police. They wear t-shirts proclaiming that Assata Taught Me and hold placards of Mumia Abu-Jamal. But, according to one of their twisted hate-filled leaders 'it was just a joke"

Cops are continuing to be assaulted or murdered yet the MSM gives them a pass.

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Is Black Lives Matter a Hate Group?

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