samedi 12 mai 2018

Muslims Throw Grenades @ Israeli Border Guards

From The Times of Israel:
Army says 15,000 take part in clashes, damage 'security infrastructure' ahead of expected culmination of protests next week
It means next week's violence will be even worse! The article goes on to talk about the Muslim's using kites to drop the grenades on Israeli troops. I know this will get little attention in the US media because Trump had a HUGE week after all; setting a date to negotiate with NK, ending the bad Iran deal, freeing 3 prisoners and capturing 5 ISIS leaders. Still, this story tells of Islamic plans for more violence against Israel.

Can you imagine if there were 15,000 KKK members throwing grenades at MLK or Lincoln statues across the nation in an organizing protest? How about 15,000 Canadians throwing grenades at US border guards? How about 15,000 men throwing grenades at women's protest marches? How about 15,000 neo-nazi's throwing grenades at Children's Hospitals in Germany? Then imagine these groups planning even bigger acts of violence and the media being silent on it? No way!

Where are all the Islamic clerics condemning these acts of violence and attacks on a sovereign country? Where are the moderates Muslims protesting around the world? Where are the TV interviews with talking heads delving into how hateful, Anti-Semitic and war mongering this is with the add on that the Palestinians will reap what they sow in terms of a proportional military response, endangering their own women and children? It never ceases to amaze me how the media gives a pass to Islamic terrorism.

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Muslims Throw Grenades @ Israeli Border Guards

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