mardi 1 mai 2018

Opinion: Iran and the Korean Peace Agreement

Iran is the axis of idiocracy. There are a few religious wingnuts who control a large population of intelligent and decent people. When they took over, they did their level best to purge the nation of enlightened people --- doctors, poets, educators, scientists, engineers to redirect the masses back to backward thinking religious domination. Many great people came to America and I had the pleasure to meet some of them. My neighbor was a PhD in electrical engineering and his wife a PhD in math.

They told me about MANY great people, like themselves, who had to flee or die at the hands of the religious leaders. Those people are still in contact with the younger generation in IRAN and the seeds of revolution are being nurtured and cultivated. Iran will try to become a nuclear power, but in the meantime, another internal revolution is brewing. And if the great people of Iran, like my neighbors, get back in power I could see Iran as one of our best allies and trading partners. I think tearing up the Iran deal and imposing blistering sanctions is the best way to aid the good people of Iran to step up and revolt. Sadly, that will cause much punishment and suffering but certainly no more than the death and destruction that is now unfolding as Iran backs the world's terrorists. just like the people in America need to wake up and see the progressives for what they are, so will the people in Iran need to step up and take a stand. Iranians are watching what has happened to North Korea's people under a brutal dictatorship and they too see the possibilities... do they take a stand and risk their lives to overthrow them or do they stand back until their out-of-control leaders force us to act? There are no good solutions in a world run by maniacs and/or religious fanatics. We have the missiles and muscles. Do they have the time to wait out their leaders? I'm not sure where this is going.

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Opinion: Iran and the Korean Peace Agreement

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