dimanche 6 mai 2018

OPSEC rules for the family of four

Hi, crni, and welcome!

I NEVER referred to preps while my kids were young. Instead I called it the "Oops cupboard", and that it was to be used if I were sick or if we were involved in a project and too busy to cook. They were little kids: they considered this to be ordinary and thought nothing of it. And, when they were older, they did not ask about it due to habit, I suppose.

When they were young adults is when I told them a bit more.

I ALSO avoided storing anything that was quick and tasty: there were no chocolate chips or jerky or canned fruit in there! I did not want them to develop the bad habit of using it for snacks. Instead we had canned meat and beans and such. I also kept more food downstairs, and that was ALSO things like canned meat and noodles and other things that kids would not usually use for snacks. Oh, a LITLE bit of it grew legs but VERY little of it did, so an occasional mild comment about it was enough.

Having preps meant that the family could feed itself when I was ill or when we were busy dong something. This meant tat nobody had to make a fast food trip unless they wanted to. My preps paid for themselves a couple of times over. They did not cost me money they saved me money. And, to the best of my knowledge the kids never talked about it. Anyways what could they say? That we had canned stew? That would have meant nothing to their friends.

My only food packaged for long term storage is some rice. It sits in the washroom and I have never said anything about it and the kids never brought up the subject.

We also had "camping gear" which was used at least once a year, a dehydrator that we made jerky out of, a vegetable garden because I "Like" to garden, etc. I never used the term "preps" until they were more or less grown.

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OPSEC rules for the family of four

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