lundi 18 juin 2018

Attended a college commencement--an interesting experience

Attended a college commencement, at a Washington university last week.

Went with my brother. His girlfriend's daughter was graduating.

There were about 500 graduates. The first thing I noticed while reading the program, was that 2/3 (maybe more) were distinctly non-American names. A large preponderance of Hispanics. Also quite a few what appeared to be Somalis, Arabic, Burmese, Asians (Chinese?), Indians and/or Pakistanis.

During the playing of the national anthem, when everybody else stood up. There was this what appeared to be a Mexican couple sitting next to us. They didn't stand up and just sat there. (They had been speaking Spanish the whole time. Clearly from south of the border.)

My brother mumbled something that I didn't quite catch. Anyways, this Hispanic couple got up and moved three seats away. when they apparently heard it.

The Valedictorian was a Hispanic girl. She made a speech in broken English about being a "DACA" kid. "If I can do it (get a college education in the U.S.) anybody can!!!" she gushed.

Yeah--just get into the U.S. (legally or not), and the silly American colleges will fall-over themselves to give you a college "free ride".

In the meantime, I've got another brother who has a son who is a high school Junior. They've been sweating bullets about how they are going to pay for his college education.

Since, apparently, being a white male in this country no longer entitles much help from Universities and colleges. They're more interested in bringing in (and paying for) a more "diverse" and "deserving" clientele of non-Americans.

I suggested that my brother and his family sneak across the border into Mexico.

Maybe Mexico might feel sorry for the gringo families like mine, that are no longer considered deserving of assistance for college? And that maybe they will provide free college to my nephew?

Think that will work?

My rant for the day...

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Attended a college commencement--an interesting experience

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