vendredi 22 juin 2018

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe?

though it didn't start at 10% and I go to church very seldom. The lady I send money to has a prison ministry and she was in federal prison before she got saved. I also send money to a local gospel radio station. Both organizations promote Jesus so I'm satisfied that they are putting the money to good use.

The lady with the prison ministry also preaches and teaches all through the country and what I like about her is she speaks plainly using words and examples that are simple to understand. She backs up everything she says with scripture and is very good at tying the old with the new testament.

While I haven't won the lottery or anything like that my finances are better and is a good indicator to me that the money is being well spent by these organizations.

One reason I haven't attended church regular is I have sleep and health problems that interfere but the bigger reason is that I want a church where the glory of God is welcomed, at least occasionally visits and interrupts services for worship and miracles. That probably answers the question asked why I would not attend or convert to Orthodoxy Christianity.

If you're interested in the name of this woman PM me and I send you some links and she has a ton of you tube videos that you can get a feel for.


Originally Posted by TXplowgirl View Post
This is a question that has started to bother me for several months now.

How many here tithe and do you pay the full 10% of your income or whatever you can afford?

I will admit I do not go to church but I believe in our Lord. I pray and I read the bible occasionally but I have never tithed.

But for the last few months I have been getting nudges in my heart, dreams and every once in a while people talking on tv that I have never paid attention to before.

So, I finally decided to ask those of you who are more knowledgeable about it.

What are your thoughts?

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To Tithe Or Not To Tithe?

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