mardi 26 juin 2018

Could the November elections spell the end of Radical Liberalism?

Most of you have been following the news about leftist liberals becoming violent again. We have seen outrageous threats against the President, his wife, his children and even his (4) year old grandchild. People like Maxine Waters who are openly calling for violence while the rest just wink.

After (8) long years and our nations flirtation with socialist ideas, the people rose up and threw them out. Now these rejected leftist radicals are doing what they always do, turn to violence in their frustration.

If American history is any guide, the mob only sows the seeds of its own destruction. Americans don’t like political violence. They're not impressed by cowardly men trying to physically intimidate women. They don't like to see protesters disturbing the peace of a person's home and private life and our streets.

The last time the Left turned to this level of seething blind rage and hatred, it lost elections on every level.

IF democrats can't capture the House and Senate this November, it will be seen as not only an historic victory for President Trump but a complete rejection of radical, violent liberalism.

Will the party double-down on stupid in it's refusal to except reality of the hearts and minds of middle America and punish Americans with blocked streets and burning cities and more violence? IMO, this will spell the end of Radical Liberalism.


Could the democrats do some serious soul-searching, repent and move to the center?

Democrats have the very unpleasant burden of consistently being on the wrong side of history. They were the nations slave owners, the organizers of the Klu Klux Klan, the writers of the Jim Crow laws, the social designers of the American ghetto class and recently the instigators of senseless violence.

your thoughts.....

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Could the November elections spell the end of Radical Liberalism?

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