jeudi 21 juin 2018

Hi from NGA Mtns.

Hi, y'all can call me Atsadi.

I come from a small town in the North GA Mountains tucked away in the Appalachia,
I have lurked this board for quite some time now, possibly a year or so only recently have I come across a thread that I actually wish to contribute to, which has led me to register.
I am a beginner in the whole scheme of things survival, though I prefer the ideology of prepping.
My hobbies are vast to say the least, there is no topic or field that I find diffucult nor intimidating. As of the start of 2018, I decided I wanted to progress from an absolute beginner to an intermediate level of gardening(/farming) whether it's indoors or outdoors.
I consider myself an Autodidact, and someone on a pre level scale of a Pantologist possibly even synonymous with prepolymath.

As much as I would like to tell more about myself, I will keep it short since it is an introduction thread.

I hope I can provide some knowledge in contributing to these forums whilst I'm here and hope that I am welcomed.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Hi from NGA Mtns.

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