mardi 31 juillet 2018

Agent: Portland Police Ignored 911 Calls from ICE


Originally Posted by TxHannah View Post
Is this proof that some leos will follow orders even if it means endangering the lives of others? I thought I've read where they would throw down their badges and walk off the job if it meant betraying their job duties.

So I guess that's wrong, isn't it.....

Holy cow, that would seem to be the case, wouldn't it? We're constantly told that's how things would go if they were given an unconstitutional order, that they would side with the community, but every situation where that dynamic exists seems to prove the opposite.

These extreme leftist globalists hate this country, and it's pretty obvious they have no regard for American citizens if they would refuse to respond to a call for help, particularly from other law enforcement personnel.

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Agent: Portland Police Ignored 911 Calls from ICE

Family values-what are yours?

Default Family values-what are yours?

This is non-political, thats a different thread. Feel free. No. Ad things are fluid and in a state of flux culterally, I am honestly curious. Other posts are TOTALLY IMMATERIAL to your thoughts, please dont waste time pointlessly reacting to them, you unbiased response is soooooo very much more valuable without that trash. Again, totally non-political. Thanks!!!!

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Family values-what are yours?

skillcult-Grafting NECTARINE Onto ALMOND Rootstock

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skillcult-Grafting NECTARINE Onto ALMOND Rootstock
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S&W M&P 2.0 9mm 4" 15Rd from $369.99 shipped ($319.99 after $50 MIR)


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S&W M&P 2.0 9mm 4" 15Rd from $369.99 shipped ($319.99 after $50 MIR)

Four strand braiding jig

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Four strand braiding jig
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Hubby and I are looking for a property caretaking position...

Do you or someone you know have a bug-out location, compound, lodge, cabin, or other remote property that you don’t currently live at? My hubby and I own our own business, and I just resigned from my six-figure sales exec job to help out in our own company. As a result, we're looking for creative ways to cut- costs. One of the things we've decided to do is apply for property/lodge caretaking positions in exchange for free rent. We’ve had some good discussions with folks who own hunting lodges, cabin retreats, and large rural estates who need a caretaker couple, but nothing has been quite right for us yet.

We're conservative Christians, no kids, mid-40s. Hubby is big, strong, and fearless. He not only would make excellent security, but he can do heavy lifting, property/road maintenance, snow plowing, lawn mowing, deer management, light construction repairs, and overall small maintenance.

I'm a gardener, who can grow/maintain not just vegetable gardens, but orchards and berry bushes. I’m also an excellent cook, housekeeper, planner/organizer, and have about 20 years experience in sales, marketing, customer service, light accounting, web-design, and online research.

We currently live in a very remote, wooded area of northern Michigan and are great outdoor adventurers. We have snowmobiles, four-wheelers, two four-wheel drive vehicles, and are no strangers to the woods and water. We hike, camp, and fish often, and have a strong prepper mentality. Where we live now we have bears, coyotes, wolves, bobcats, deer, and even the occasional cougar sighting.

We obviously would need housing of some sort, preferably private and personal, and functional for winters (if in a northern climate). We’re looking for something year-round and long term, and definitely not in a city or suburb. Northern Michigan would be our first choice of location, but we’re open to anywhere in the U.S. that has woods and water. We’d each be able to provide up to appx 30 hours a week toward our duties, and then work on our own business from our virtual setting in off-hours. And yep... we’d have to have cell phone service and internet.

I know it’s likely a long shot, but we’ve had some luck so far with discussions for this potential kind of situation, and we figured why not try here? We both like the idea of approaching like-minded folks like you all. We have excellent references, including our current landlord. We are honest, confidential, and trustworthy.

If anything comes to mind that you'd like to throw out there, please message me.


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Hubby and I are looking for a property caretaking position...

It Time For Open Borders

If the borders are open...can we please move a large chunk of certain groups over those borders? Like, anyone that said they’d go to Canada if they didn’t get their way...go now, or we’ll move you ourselves.

Maybe we could offer certain residents of LA county the opportunity to settle in the wide open lands around Tijuana?

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It Time For Open Borders

losing weight revisited - low carb + mobile app

So I posted awhile ago about low carb diets and wanted to revisit the subject. I typically weigh about 5 9", 175lbs and have struggled for quite a long time trying to lose 10 pounds.

a few years ago I did a keto diet and was able to get down to 165. At that weight my abs are starting to show and my face is thinner. Unfortunately my wife got pregnant and during that time I gained it back as I ate a lot of second dinners with her.

Due to having zero will power in the face of all the desserts my kids eat, I havent been able to lose the 10 and even got up to about 178.

Over the last 10-15 years, nutrition has made some strides in understanding how hunger works and why people struggle to lose weight. Ultimately as many of us have thought, it is still fundamentally about calories in vs calories out. You will never bypass the physics of this. However the one thing you can have some influence on is how bad you feel when you have the calorie shortage you need to lose weight.

Everyone has noticed that your body tends to want to stay at the same weight. It turns out there are two hormones leptin and ghrelin that work to control hunger. Leptin is produced by fat cells, the more fat you have, the more leptin you have. Leptin reduces hunger. The problem is that like many hormones, your body gets used to a certain level over time. So if you are fat you need more leptin to feel full. When you lose weight you have less leptin than your base and that makes you feel hungry until your body acclimates to the new level.

Ghrelin is produced by the stomach and makes you feel hungry. When your stomach stretches, ghrelin production is reduced which makes you feel less hungry.

glucose (carb) intake, also stimulates leptin, but the impact is short. Fructose does not stimulate leptin nearly as much. This may be one reason why high fructose corn syrup is making everyone fat.

Unfortunately experiments with giving people leptin did not reduce weight as their bodies adjusted the hunger response to whatever level of leptin you give over time. Your body gets used to a particular amount of leptin and then makes you feel hunger when you have less than that and full when you have more. As you lose weight you start going well below the setpoint and you have to acclimate your body to the new base level of leptin.

Different types of food give you longer feelings of fullness. Protein gives by far the most lasting feeling of fullness, then fat, and carbs give you very little fullness, mainly from the stretch of your stomach and the insulin spike. Fructose does not stimulate leptin production, but glucose does.

Keto works by focusing your diet on the types of food that make you feel full the longest. A cup of rice is around 200 calories with is similar to around 1/4 pound of filet mignon which has about 230 calories. The filet will keep you full for a lot longer.

Im finally steadily losing weight again using of all things, a mobile app, called my fitness pal. It (and many similar apps) have a huge database of food. The app keeps you to a calorie deficit of about 400 calories a day. This will lose about 1 lb a week. This is a slow enough rate that Im not suffering, too much.

Im still mostly doing low carb, but the app makes it much easier to factor in eating the carbs and the impact of exercise. Im getting about 1800 calories a day with only a 400 calorie deficit. Im not ever really famished, but Ive learned that it is really easy to accidentally go over the 400 calories. A couple extra slices of bread/day, a little too much oil, or a dessert can easily put you over. I suspect this is why I wasnt losing the weight.

I mountain bike and that typically gives me an extra 600-1000 calories on the day I ride. Turns out that is a huge amount of extra food.

Im down to about 173 (5 lbs from max) after 5 weeks and it has been effortless. The app gives me concrete info about whether I have the calories available to eat something. Without the app I wouldnt be sure and would end up just a little bit over. That was enough to prevent me from losing any weight.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have a lot of water. I fluctuate around +/- 3 pounds, especially after I ride in this hot weather. 173 is my morning weight, but during the day I can be as high as 175 or as low as 172.

good luck to everyone who is trying to lose weight and hope this helps.

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losing weight revisited - low carb + mobile app

A visit to the doctor--I pay $6500--they pay $0

Sitting in the doctor's office yesterday. I'm in need of a heart valve replacement.

So I've got this $6500 annual deductible on my insurance. Discussing with their accounting people how I can pay this.

While I'm doing that, a Hispanic woman comes in with 3 kids. Can't speak a word of English. They have to call in the translator. However there's one English word I do hear her say in response to a question:


A few minutes later, in walks this Hispanic dad, wife and 2 kids. Once again: "No habla englais". But they DO know one word:


But I'm just a 63 year old white guy. I've got "white privilege", supposedly. Yeah sure. Working an ordinary job, living in a 40 year old 2 bedroom ranch home. But that disqualifies me from 100% paid medical coverage, $2 co-pays on prescription drugs, paid dental care.

So I have to somehow come up with $6500, while paying a hefty monthly premium out of my wage check, PLUS paying taxes to support "immigrants" on Medicaid.

Do you think if I "immigrated" to Mexico, I could get the same free medical care that people get here in the U.S.?

What's the Spanish word for "Medicaid"?

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A visit to the doctor--I pay $6500--they pay $0

Mossberg 930 Tactical 12 Gauge Semi-Auto 18.5" from $399


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Mossberg 930 Tactical 12 Gauge Semi-Auto 18.5" from $399

Camping at the VA.

Someone at the VA made "an administration decision on a medical decision"
Counteracting a treatment authorized by my doctor, without consulting me, my doctor, or my physical therapist. (Bean counter decision on medical decosion.)

I've been fighting it for +three weeks, spent all day Friday on the phone being ignored.
Ended up asking to speak to a hospital administraror,
Was told I could not sit and wait to talk to him, I had to have an appointment.
I asked for the next available appointment and was told "that I could not make an appointment. " (yes, I'm serious)

So yesterday at 8AM I went to my physical therapist had had them write out why I need this treatment in words a 6th grader could understand.

Then I went to the VA, and started with the Patient advocate I'd been working with.

Sat in the administration building with the administrator hiding from me (after having someone lie to me and say he wasn't here. ) when I saw through that (people ratted him out) he had someone tell me he was reviewing my case and calling my physical therapist (he didn't) ...despite the fact no one has asked me and I'm here to talk about their mishandling, not my treatment. (The process is the punishment in this case, it's too late... will have to restart treatment costing the taxpayers 5 figures.)

It was amusing, he sent 2 cops to "make sure I left" at the end of the day so he could slip out without talking to me.
They were extremely apologetic.

Today (after talking it over with a couple sympathetic former service employees ) I brought a cot and a pilllow. To go with my book and cooler.

It's been quite amusing. (Tomorrow I go to my congressman)
So far all of the feedback has been positive.

Feels odd thiugh, I even took off my swish army knife and multitool.

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Camping at the VA.

DIY free energy device

Anyone ever make something like this? I would like to give it a try, as it seems simple enough and I just happened upon a small stash of magnets that were left at a house we rented recently. I am not sure what type of wire they used, if it is just normal wire or what.

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DIY free energy device

lundi 30 juillet 2018

Swollen Tonsil - Very Nasty Photo - Viewer Discretion is STRONGLY Advised!!!

One side of my tonsil has been swollen for almost three weeks. No pain. No other symptoms. Just swollen. Went to my PA and she said everything looks normal, just a "little" swollen tonsil. But that thing doesn't look in any way "little" to me. Compare that bump with the left side and you will see. I tried some home remedies like rinsing my mouth with salt water and drinking lots of water. Nothing seems to work.

Neck not swollen. No stinky breath. The backside of my throat is a bit yellowish.

The asymmetrical tonsils worried me a bit.

Anyone encountered the same problem and know a solution to this? Sorry for the gross pic...

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Swollen Tonsil - Very Nasty Photo - Viewer Discretion is STRONGLY Advised!!!

FBI PARTNERS WITH S. Poverty Law Center


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FBI PARTNERS WITH S. Poverty Law Center

rifle auto fired

Is it possible for semi auto .22 rife to fire two shots with one pull of the trigger?

I shot a skunk this morning that I had caught in a trap. The rife, a springfield, made by stevens arms company, model 85, discharged two rounds.
It kind of spooked me when when it happened. What would be the cause of this incident?

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rifle auto fired

States sue to halt 3-D online guns

U.S. states make last-minute legal bid to halt 3-D online guns

I don't see this going anywhere, as the states don't have standing to do regulate firearms. MSSF, et al v. Holder comes to mind with regard to the Montana Firearms Freedom Act, and subsequently denied cert by SCOTUS, twice.


Several U.S. states on Monday said they would jointly sue the Trump administration for allowing the public to download blueprints for 3-D printable guns in a last-ditch effort to block the designs from becoming available on Wednesday.
Those states: Washington, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Oregon, Maryland, and of course, the District of Columbia.

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States sue to halt 3-D online guns

What to do with 30+ gallons of two cycle mix in SHTF.

This spring, the wife and I finally got a starter boat. It's a little Seadoo with a two cycle engine. The PO removed the mixing valve that combined the fuel and oil from separate tanks, We have to haul our premix to the marina and dump it into the fuel tank each outing.

Anyway, we keep it full.

It holds 30 gallons of 93 octane E10 blended at 40:1 synthetic, ashless oil. With these boats, they either idle or are running at max RPM. Yes, that's awfully rich...but I'd rather run be and well lubed and replace spark plugs every 10 hours than run too dry or lean and blow a $2000 motor. It's also treated with long lasting marine Stabil.

Anyway, I'd previously dumped the 1/2 gallon or so of premix that I have left over from my saws and trimmers each fall into my truck or wife's SUV. I've never had any problems since it was always blended with a full tank of regular gas.

However, in a pinch and you had to use that much fuel at once in a four cycle engine, would you? Why or why not?

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What to do with 30+ gallons of two cycle mix in SHTF.

Breaking News: ATF Is Classifying .50 Cal Bolt Action AR Uppers As*Firearm

''So what does this letter say? Thanks to someone submitting a request to import .50 BMG uppers, the ATF took a closer look at them. Now the letter only mentions “.50 BMG upper assemblies” in the beginning.

Then they segue into bolt action rifles. If you think of a traditional bolt action rifle, the serialized portion of the gun is the barreled action. So now the ATF is saying a bolt action upper assembly should be classified as such regardless that it sits on a serialized AR lower.''

My local LGS has one chambered in .416 barrett......

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Breaking News: ATF Is Classifying .50 Cal Bolt Action AR Uppers As*Firearm

Release: Winchester Ammunition Awarded U.S. Army Order

Winchester Ammunition recently announced a large — 8.1 million bucks’ worth — ammunition order making 7.62mm groceries for the United States Army. Here’s their press release: Winchester Ammunition Awarded U.S. Army Order EAST ALTON, Ill. (July 27, 2018) – The U.S. Army has recently awarded Winchester an $8.1 million order for 7.62mm ammunition under an[.....]

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Release: Winchester Ammunition Awarded U.S. Army Order

SureCan Gas Can Review, Mossy Oak Edition

When I got the chance to check out the Mossy Oak edition of the new SureCan Gas Can, I happily accepted. Government intrusion into gas can construction has led to some incredibly moronic and difficult-to-use fuel cans. The SureCan attempts to change all that… and I think they did a pretty good job. Plus they’re[.....]

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SureCan Gas Can Review, Mossy Oak Edition

Bacteria Can Spread Antibiotic Resistance Between Each Other

It sounds like something from a science fiction thriller: A strain of bacteria develops resistance to antibiotics, then spreads DNA for the resistance to other bacteria. As if that were not enough, when the bacteria dies, it expels a DNA package into the air for other bacteria to find and absorb.

Should humanity be worried? Yes, we should.

While scientist know bacteria are developing resistances to antibiotics, the search for new antibiotics has been progressing at a snail's pace. In short, resistance to modern antibiotics is outpacing the search for new non-resistant antibiotics.

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Bacteria Can Spread Antibiotic Resistance Between Each Other

Mueller & Holder Shut Down FBI Investigation of Stolen U.S. Stealth Defense Technolog


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Mueller & Holder Shut Down FBI Investigation of Stolen U.S. Stealth Defense Technolog

Marlin 1895 Guide Big Loop 45-70 Government Lever Action from $499


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Marlin 1895 Guide Big Loop 45-70 Government Lever Action from $499

Did We Just Dodge 9-11 2.0

"On July 22, 2018 Faisal Hussein, a Canadian-born 29-year-old male of Pakistani heritage and Muslim faith, opened fire with a handgun on citizens along Toronto’s Danforth Avenue, killing two and wounding 13. After an exchange of gunfire with police Faisal Hussein turned his gun on himself.

Faisal was known to police. He had posted favourable comments on jihadi websites and had recently visited Afghanistan.

Cache of weapons, including 31 identical high-end handguns, and 42 kilograms of carfentanil. In mid-2017 Faisal’s brother, Farad Hussain, suffered an overdose. He has been in a coma ever since.

In September 2017 firefighters responded to a carbon monoxide alarm at a house on Liatris Drive, in Pickering, Ontario (40 kilometres east of Toronto). Inside the house they found a cache of weapons, including 31 identical high-end handguns, and 42 kilograms of carfentanil. It was the largest carfentanil find in North America; if not the world. This house was Farad Hussain’s home at the time of his overdose.

The media misrepresent the 42 kilos of carfentanil as a major narcotics stash. Actually, it was a massive chemical weapons stockpile..."

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Did We Just Dodge 9-11 2.0

New Modern Western type TV Series: Yellowstone WIth Kevin Costner

This has nothing to do with prepping or survivalism so some of yall won't care but it has Kevin Costner as the head of the family. 5 episodes in and I like it already. It's a little dark because his family is a bit dysfunctional to say the least, some nudity but not a bunch and somebody dies in every episode so far. Oldest son died in the first episode.

Kind of reminds me of Dallas in the 80's and JR Ewing but present day living in Montana. Beautiful scenery.

Anyway here is the story line.

"Yellowstone follows the Dutton family, led by John Dutton, who controls the largest contiguous ranch in the United States, under constant attack by those it borders - land developers, an Indian reservation, and America's first National Park.

It is an intense study of a violent world far from media scrutiny - where land grabs make developers billions, and politicians are bought and sold by the world's largest oil and lumber corporations. Where drinking water poisoned by fracking wells and unsolved murders are not news: they are a consequence of living in the new frontier. It is the best and worst of America seen through the eyes of a family that represents both."

Trailer for season 1

Disabled Preppers Group
For those of us who are disabled, whether it be SSDI, SSI, Military, have family members who are disabled or just have physical and mental limitations and would like to discuss with others on how to get through certain survival situations in today's times.

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New Modern Western type TV Series: Yellowstone WIth Kevin Costner

Fiskars Machete Axe

I came across this today. Idk how long theyve been out but I've long been a fiskars fan. If nothing else I want one for pure aesthetic purposes. Anyone ever use one by chance or know how good the axe head portion is at actually being an axe? Might pick one up just to give it a whack. Pun not entirely intended

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Fiskars Machete Axe

Buddipole question

Default Buddipole question

I am getting an original buddipole, but I also have an opportunity to get the old style rak rotating arms kit. My question is will that work with the buddipole? I am not sure if things changed, and it is a very limited time offer. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Buddipole question

dimanche 29 juillet 2018

Robespierre times a Thousand

During the French Revolution and the ensuing Reign of Terror, the safest place to be was at the head of the most radical rabble, demanding that all others be sent to the guillotine. The man who held this position was none other than Robespierre. But a strange thing happened: the mob took on a life of its own, and even the radical Robespierre struggled to keep up with their lunacy. On one occasion, he saw the rabble and shouted to his friends, "I must get out in front of this mob, for I am meant to be its leader!"

Today, the Democrat Party is staffed entirely by Robespierres. As recently as a decade ago, they would say stupid and irresponsible things in order to buy the votes of the bluest of the blue, knowing full well that the adults in the room would stop their alleged plans. But as with all people who appeal to the basest instincts of the angry mob (and an angry mob is what the Democrat constituency has become), they need to become ever-more-radical in order to remain at the tip of the proverbial spear. No cooler heads can prevail without risking being trampled by the same mon whose zeal they had invoked.

Such is the case with the House. Nancy Pelosi's heir apparent, a 5-term Congressman in a safe district, was just defeated in a primary by a 28 year old unemployed bartender, simply because she was more radical than he. An unabashed socialist, she won because she was willing to get out in front of the same proverbial mob that trampled his candidacy underfoot.

So must it now be with the Democrat Party. They have to get nuttier and nuttier, or else risk being destroyed by their own people. They face their greatest risk not from those to their right, but by the mere possibility that there might be somebody, anybody, to their left.

This promises to be their greatest undoing. The American people simply aren't going to throw their support behind the nuttiest candidate, simply because they are the furthest to the left. The Median Voter Theorem will see them alienating not only the Median Voter, but also many of the self-described left-wing voters as well. November is going to be political suicide for the dems.

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Robespierre times a Thousand

Time for a new well pump

Hey y’all, the old well pump finally gave out. I’ve been weighing options for going for another A/c or A/c-d/c combo like a grundfos. I know if I go DC I’d have to put in a holding tank so..... basically just seeing if anyone had some advice/things to take into consideration before pulling and dropping a new pump or an “I wish I would have thought of that before...”

Thanks for any advice. I don’t plan to pull the well myself. I believe it’s about 520’ but not sure what the water table is until I get in there and drop a line.

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Time for a new well pump

SAR USA B6 Stainless Steel 9mm 4.5" 17rd from $309.99


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SAR USA B6 Stainless Steel 9mm 4.5" 17rd from $309.99

Widow bite: Worst case scenario for a healthy male

Read this. It is a worst case scenario of a healthy man being bitten by a black widow. It basically shut him down for days. I can easily see someone very young, very old or sick dying from this.

My daughter's significant other is a tough guy. Worked as a blacksmith and now does demolition. Lifts weights and runs. Covered with little burns because welding sparks don't bother him. He got bit by one on the job and spent the next two days in bed with severe cramps and fever.

Yet, if you don't harass or squeeze them, you can let them run all over your hand and they won't bother you a bit.

If I see one where someone or something is likely to come in contact, it is a dead spider. Otherwise, I let it be.

OTOH, these guys (cellar spiders) are harmless to people and will hunt down and kill widows. I like to keep them around as pest control.

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Widow bite: Worst case scenario for a healthy male

Anybody caught-up in the Carr Fire?

I think Gator Monroe is the closest to the fire area but there are a few others up that way. Gator has been visiting in NJ and is on his way home last I heard.

I am about 100 miles South of the Carr fire but we have a few smaller local fires burning as usual. I am hoping that no one ever has to go through that, we went through it twice in nine months and it is really a big inconvenience.

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Anybody caught-up in the Carr Fire?

2016 San Jose Trump Rally

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2016 San Jose Trump Rally
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Colonel Erran Morad

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Colonel Erran Morad
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Community - My hardest prep

Not sure if this is right place, but it fits in Urban Survival.

My hardest prep is community. We move often with the military and end up 3-5 years with others who are 3-5 years so building those key friendships is almost non-existent and the "commonalities" are strictly based off of military most of the time, but I have found a way to break through that. I am currently in Hawaii and live on a military base. It usually starts with my kids, I have three two teens and a 7 year old all girls, they make friends, friends come over and I'm kinda the do it all cool dad. We've been here since Oct and I've fixed a few bikes, found a couple in the trash fixed em up and gave them to some of the kids who didn't have bikes, taught a couple to ride who's parents were deployed, or single parent with not enough time when I find time. Then we have "drive way movie night" where we invite the neighborhood over for outdoor movies in the drive way, always a kids movie the parents come by to see who I am and if it's okay for their kids to be hanging out past 9 o'clock outside on a weekend. I provide a safe controlled environment with popcorn cotton candy and a movie.

So the parents always end up hanging out and talking for a while and the topic always comes up and we end up talking about it and we all size each other up about what we know what we'd do and whatnot. So last night I met two families, one is kinda new, both LDS by chance, I was born and raised LDS but have been inactive for years, I drink and swear, etc... But we had a nice little talk about what we'd do and it turned into we should plan a camping trip and teach our kids some stuff, so I may have started my little community. I haven't had a good one since 2014 when I left Colorado we had a meet up group of over 40 with a core group of 12-15 that we did stuff every week and monthly trips to the woods, love to get there again.

I posted this to give others ideas of how to get something going and to see others ways to build their community. I know a lot think they will ignore their neighbors and not need them, but I believe, being a father of 3, that I will need them, security, barter, information, medical, etc... If you are one that believes you will lone wolf or screw the community you are welcome to give your reasoning why, but I for one have gotten rid of the mentality my family will out survive every other family around me because I have preps and they don't. A desperate community in an emergency will do drastic things where an educated and willing community that works together before an emergency will be more likely to work together in an emergency.

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Community - My hardest prep

Just picked up a customized Buck Reaper

I've been eyeing this knife on eBay for a few weeks now. The seller had it listed for about $88 with shipping. Today he reduce the price to $72 with shipping and I jumped on it. It came with custom scales, stripped blade and a $30 Buck hoodlum molle sheath. Being that I've always wanted this knife but hated the wood scales and hated the stupid black coating they put on the blade, this was exactly what I was looking for and I don't have to do any of the work myself. The knife was listed at $40 at Walmart when they were being sold, they are discontinued now. I'm super excited to get my hands on it. It's very similar to the hoodlum, but I think the blade is slightly thinner and lighter.

This is the auction photo.

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Just picked up a customized Buck Reaper

New items Military Surplus Chicken Tenders, Lamb Sirloin and more| Free Lifestraw

Here is an opportunity to lock in prices for 25+ years by buying the top rated, military surplus products manufactured by a defense contractor for Military. We bring to you items never before introduced in the market !!

Mountain House Freeze Dried Foods are a gold standard in storage food. With shelf lives proven to be 25 years + Mountain House offers the best variety of prepared meals.

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Now with every order of Military Surplus Case and Mountain House Can Case and Lindon Farms bucket not only you get best discounts and prices but with every order you get a Lifestraw free.

Valid till July 31st, Act Fast.

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New items Military Surplus Chicken Tenders, Lamb Sirloin and more| Free Lifestraw

FN Herstal FNX-45 Tactical .45 ACP Handgun w/Threaded barrel from $949


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FN Herstal FNX-45 Tactical .45 ACP Handgun w/Threaded barrel from $949

Just picked up P-320 x-carry

So i picked up a P320 tacops a few months back and the x-carry today.

It came with the apex trigger already installed and the original flat trigger as well. Which Ihave already installed in my tacops. and a mount for trijicon RMR

The threaded barrel from my tacops slides right in so Im pleased about that the apes trigger kit as almost no take up and a nice reset.

Im stuck whether i want to put the romeo1 or trijicon RMR on it though i will loose the rear sight if i do so meh.

I think sig should make a plate that will allow you to retain the rear sight in case the RDS goes poop

What do you guys think?

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Just picked up P-320 x-carry

Finding a local preparedness group?

I'm having trouble finding a local preparedness group and wondering what tips people may have.
I have looked for a group on Meetup and came up empty. I don't really have any friends that are preppers. Family isn't interested. I wish I had money for a BOL but sadly I do not. I tried looking for people via craigslist but I would prefer to join an existing group as I'm sure their are a ton of people who have more skills/knowledge that I do.


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Finding a local preparedness group?

samedi 28 juillet 2018

Want to Add Compass to Walking Stick

I want to add a round compass to the top of a walking stick. I know you can buy walking sticks with them but I want to add one to my walking stick.

The catch is, I want a quality compass, not the cheap Chinese ones that are broken on half the walking sticks I've seen.

I don't need surveyor quality. I just need it to kind of point toward north and to last several years. Oh, and it can't be bigger than 3/4" diameter.

Anybody know where such a thing can be found?

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Want to Add Compass to Walking Stick

1k budget

Let's say you have 1000 to spend on weapons. This includes firearms, blades, blunt weapons and ammo. Whatcha getting? For me:

Maverick 88 12ga ($200)
200rds of 00 ($200)
Ruger Security 9 ($300)
500rds of HP ($125)
Ontario sp1 ($40)
Ontario 18" machete ($25)
Benchmade griptillian ($100)

Just curious to what others would do. I've always vern a bit mind blown that you can buy everything ya need across all platforms whereas there exists many guns thst singularly surpass this

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1k budget

Dream Knife, Goblin X, Bragging post of My Collection

I'm am VERY proud to show off the new addition to my knife collection, a knife I've dreamed about since it first came out 27 years ago when i was just a lad of 22 - The Gerber Utility Bowie! I know that Gerber has fallen in recent years, but they've made some iconic knives, i think this knife is one of them.

had a friend take the photos as i dont have a good camera so my photo of the other side is displayed in my Gerber Knife Collection below.

This knife is just perfect in my hand, the bowie blade is amazing and i love the grey steel, black coffin handle and the brass guard, the colors just stand out so well. I didnt get a pic of the sheath, but its in really excellent condition.

I want to give a HUGE and HEARTFELT thank you to Goblin X, who saw some of my posts here in the knife section and sent me a PM to see if he could do something to help me out. He took the time to search his sources and find one in excellent condition for a price i could afford! I knew he was a stand up guy with a heart of gold, but he took a personal risk to help an internet friend with a big purchase, he really went the extra mile for me and im eternally grateful!

As for my collection, i'll start off with my Gerbers from the above pic: MK II, LMF II, Applegate Fairbairn Combat Folder, Gerber Sheath Gator, Gerber Utility Bowie (opposite side), & the Gerber Yari II Tanto. Not shown is my Gerber Concertina Wire Cutters, Nato Shovel, and some Saws.

As for others in my collection: My Esees - Esee 4, Candiru, Esee 6, & Esee Junglas. Not shown is my AH-1 Arrowhead.

The last photo of my remaining collection: Boker Jim Wagner Reality Based Blade folder, Buck 110 (my late father's), SOG Tech Bowie (safe queen! LOL), My Buck 119 that ive had since i was a teen (over 35 years, my first sheath knife), and my CRK&T MAK-1 Rescue Knife Tool.


Thanks for indulging my bragging post, but most of all, to get the opportunity to thank a treasured friend i found here.

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Dream Knife, Goblin X, Bragging post of My Collection

Intriguing Knife Find


Originally Posted by Damascus7 View Post
Thanks GX, I was hoping you would chime in on this. Really hard to capture the color change as you move it through the light. I've seen these before but this is the first one I've ever owned. What is the procedure to spark test without damaging the blade?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk

there is got to grind a spot to check the size of the spark, color and size denotes carbon content..... you could, if you really had to know the material, find a NDT lab and have it annualized, but that would be expensive. Be better to just enjoy it for what it is, a mystery well made custom say you got it in a estate sale, doesn't have mars on it from use, and the blush isn't worn off, next gun and knife show you have close to that area, carry it there, some of the small knife maker's that go to the local shows can probably ID the work........

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Intriguing Knife Find

Walther Q5 Match 9MM 5" Barrel 15+1 from $673.32


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Walther Q5 Match 9MM 5" Barrel 15+1 from $673.32

Basic training instructional videos

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Basic training instructional videos
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Potential aspects of guns that might be illegal in the future

All thought I prefer good guns, I also like the idea of keeping at least 1 gun in my safe that is somewhat "future proof" for future government corruption. So if my awesome high-cap mag semis becomes illegal, I at least have something to fall back on that I can keep nearby unhidden.

It's not so easy to predict what could be illegal in the future, but here is my brainstorming:
*Further max capping of rounds limit. (I believe some countries are as low as 4, perhaps lower)
*Something to do with magazines at all (I believe califonia has something about magazines not being too quickly swappable, and I'm sure many countries has something about no mags at all)
*Anything that looks military/tactical (as opposed to hunting)
*Any length alterations. (not just length requirement but also any length alterations at all)
*Strength of caliber (because of the hunting-excuse to keep large caliber, banning 308 would probably be late down the line, however banning 50 cal is probably an early stage)
*Anything FMJ

Even thinking about the above being future restrictions makes me sad, but regardless I want to be somewhat ready for most things the future can throw at me. Especially since tight laws might make it possible to KEEP a lame gun around, but be combined with new store-requirements that makes it nearly impossible to buy anything (even the lawful lame guns) in the store.

So based on the above info, I think for the gun I'm describing the best thing would be to have a "308 bolt-action hunting rifle without magazine". I don't have any of those but I think a "308 bolt-action hunting rifle WITH a small magazine" might be close enough for this purpose, that all though it will probably be illegal at some point, it's probably going to stay legal in my safe much much longer than anything else in there.

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Potential aspects of guns that might be illegal in the future

Securitized loans again leading to crash?


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Securitized loans again leading to crash?

FYI: Midway has no hazmat on qualifying CCI primers thru 7/31...


Midway has there no hazmat fee deal going on for CCI primer orders thru 7/31.

Use code CCI201807

No idea on there pricing compared to any local in store deals (ie our locals would be - Sportsmans, bimart, fisherman’s etc), because we’re “good” and haven’t been keeping too keen an eye on retail pricing...

Anyways, might be a decent deal for some folks who need/want to bump up there inventory a bit...

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FYI: Midway has no hazmat on qualifying CCI primers thru 7/31...

Camera Land Spotting Scope Sale Today, Saturday July 28th

Camera Land Spotting Scope Sale Day

Today is the day to call in and purchase a Spotting Scope. Those who know me know I hate working Saturdays and the only way to make the day fly by is to be busy so I decided the perfect way to stay busy today is to run a Spotting Scope Sale today, Saturday July 28th. If you have been thinking of getting a Spotter give us a call, 516-217-1000, and we will hook you up.

Speak with you soon.

If there is anything you're looking for please give us a call at 516-217-1000. It is always our pleasure to speak with you. Some items are available in open box/demo units at reduced pricing. Always give a call to discuss options and what would be best for your needs

Have a great day.
Thank you for your continued support.
If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
720 Old Bethpage Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
516-217-1000, 212-753-5128
Please visit our web site @ Cameras,Binoculars, Spotting Scopes, Rifle Scopes | Camera Land NY
Long Islands Largest Camera and Sports Optics Superstore

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Camera Land Spotting Scope Sale Today, Saturday July 28th