jeudi 26 juillet 2018

WHAT exactly is "The Event"?

"The Event" according to Resistance/Galactic Federation representative, Cobra, consists of a physical aspect and a non-physical aspect.

The physical aspect is 3-fold---

1) A reset of the financial system. The latest intel I have seen from a European source indicates that the likely key aspect of this reset will be the nationalization of the Federal Reserve which in reality is a PRIVATE entity which contracts with the federal government. This is the entity which finances the dark cabal. To counter this, the latter are now taking positions in crypocurrencies.

2) The arrest of the controlling forces of the cabal. The recent arrest of Claire Bronfman who has financially backed a sex cult with ties to the Clintons is a very big development here. Actress Allison Mack has been charged along with the cult's Founder. They are also being brought up on racketeering charges(RICO) for sex trafficking.

3) The truth being revealed----planetary situation, earth's history, UFO's, ET contact, free energy, true physics

The non-physical aspect of "The Event" will be a literal FLASH which will be a wave of energy coming from the Galactic Central Sun.

And now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to perfecting my clam chowder soup recipe. ; )

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WHAT exactly is "The Event"?

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