jeudi 26 juillet 2018

Law Enforcement Question

How the heck do you hand over a locked and loaded pistol to a cop without alarming him?

The Facts:

I was traveling above the posted limit.

I was armed and in possession of a concealed firearm with legal carry permit.

I was in a state where "Informed Consent" is not required. I live/am licensed in a Must Inform state.

I was stopped by a local police officer.

He asked for control of the pistol. I complied.

The compliance created an unsafe situation. I handed over my G19 with one in the chamber. It came from right/strong side.

There was a half second of high tension. I was handing him a loaded pistol at his mother effing request
All of it unnecessary.

Whole thing could've been avoided if I had just not informed.

Appreciate any input from all you law enforcement guys.

Thanks in advance

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Law Enforcement Question

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