dimanche 29 juillet 2018

Robespierre times a Thousand

During the French Revolution and the ensuing Reign of Terror, the safest place to be was at the head of the most radical rabble, demanding that all others be sent to the guillotine. The man who held this position was none other than Robespierre. But a strange thing happened: the mob took on a life of its own, and even the radical Robespierre struggled to keep up with their lunacy. On one occasion, he saw the rabble and shouted to his friends, "I must get out in front of this mob, for I am meant to be its leader!"

Today, the Democrat Party is staffed entirely by Robespierres. As recently as a decade ago, they would say stupid and irresponsible things in order to buy the votes of the bluest of the blue, knowing full well that the adults in the room would stop their alleged plans. But as with all people who appeal to the basest instincts of the angry mob (and an angry mob is what the Democrat constituency has become), they need to become ever-more-radical in order to remain at the tip of the proverbial spear. No cooler heads can prevail without risking being trampled by the same mon whose zeal they had invoked.

Such is the case with the House. Nancy Pelosi's heir apparent, a 5-term Congressman in a safe district, was just defeated in a primary by a 28 year old unemployed bartender, simply because she was more radical than he. An unabashed socialist, she won because she was willing to get out in front of the same proverbial mob that trampled his candidacy underfoot.

So must it now be with the Democrat Party. They have to get nuttier and nuttier, or else risk being destroyed by their own people. They face their greatest risk not from those to their right, but by the mere possibility that there might be somebody, anybody, to their left.

This promises to be their greatest undoing. The American people simply aren't going to throw their support behind the nuttiest candidate, simply because they are the furthest to the left. The Median Voter Theorem will see them alienating not only the Median Voter, but also many of the self-described left-wing voters as well. November is going to be political suicide for the dems.

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Robespierre times a Thousand

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