mardi 31 juillet 2018

Camping at the VA.

Someone at the VA made "an administration decision on a medical decision"
Counteracting a treatment authorized by my doctor, without consulting me, my doctor, or my physical therapist. (Bean counter decision on medical decosion.)

I've been fighting it for +three weeks, spent all day Friday on the phone being ignored.
Ended up asking to speak to a hospital administraror,
Was told I could not sit and wait to talk to him, I had to have an appointment.
I asked for the next available appointment and was told "that I could not make an appointment. " (yes, I'm serious)

So yesterday at 8AM I went to my physical therapist had had them write out why I need this treatment in words a 6th grader could understand.

Then I went to the VA, and started with the Patient advocate I'd been working with.

Sat in the administration building with the administrator hiding from me (after having someone lie to me and say he wasn't here. ) when I saw through that (people ratted him out) he had someone tell me he was reviewing my case and calling my physical therapist (he didn't) ...despite the fact no one has asked me and I'm here to talk about their mishandling, not my treatment. (The process is the punishment in this case, it's too late... will have to restart treatment costing the taxpayers 5 figures.)

It was amusing, he sent 2 cops to "make sure I left" at the end of the day so he could slip out without talking to me.
They were extremely apologetic.

Today (after talking it over with a couple sympathetic former service employees ) I brought a cot and a pilllow. To go with my book and cooler.

It's been quite amusing. (Tomorrow I go to my congressman)
So far all of the feedback has been positive.

Feels odd thiugh, I even took off my swish army knife and multitool.

Let's block ads! (Why?)

Camping at the VA.

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