samedi 28 juillet 2018

Potential aspects of guns that might be illegal in the future

All thought I prefer good guns, I also like the idea of keeping at least 1 gun in my safe that is somewhat "future proof" for future government corruption. So if my awesome high-cap mag semis becomes illegal, I at least have something to fall back on that I can keep nearby unhidden.

It's not so easy to predict what could be illegal in the future, but here is my brainstorming:
*Further max capping of rounds limit. (I believe some countries are as low as 4, perhaps lower)
*Something to do with magazines at all (I believe califonia has something about magazines not being too quickly swappable, and I'm sure many countries has something about no mags at all)
*Anything that looks military/tactical (as opposed to hunting)
*Any length alterations. (not just length requirement but also any length alterations at all)
*Strength of caliber (because of the hunting-excuse to keep large caliber, banning 308 would probably be late down the line, however banning 50 cal is probably an early stage)
*Anything FMJ

Even thinking about the above being future restrictions makes me sad, but regardless I want to be somewhat ready for most things the future can throw at me. Especially since tight laws might make it possible to KEEP a lame gun around, but be combined with new store-requirements that makes it nearly impossible to buy anything (even the lawful lame guns) in the store.

So based on the above info, I think for the gun I'm describing the best thing would be to have a "308 bolt-action hunting rifle without magazine". I don't have any of those but I think a "308 bolt-action hunting rifle WITH a small magazine" might be close enough for this purpose, that all though it will probably be illegal at some point, it's probably going to stay legal in my safe much much longer than anything else in there.

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Potential aspects of guns that might be illegal in the future

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