mardi 31 juillet 2018

Agent: Portland Police Ignored 911 Calls from ICE


Originally Posted by TxHannah View Post
Is this proof that some leos will follow orders even if it means endangering the lives of others? I thought I've read where they would throw down their badges and walk off the job if it meant betraying their job duties.

So I guess that's wrong, isn't it.....

Holy cow, that would seem to be the case, wouldn't it? We're constantly told that's how things would go if they were given an unconstitutional order, that they would side with the community, but every situation where that dynamic exists seems to prove the opposite.

These extreme leftist globalists hate this country, and it's pretty obvious they have no regard for American citizens if they would refuse to respond to a call for help, particularly from other law enforcement personnel.

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Agent: Portland Police Ignored 911 Calls from ICE

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