dimanche 29 juillet 2018

Community - My hardest prep

Not sure if this is right place, but it fits in Urban Survival.

My hardest prep is community. We move often with the military and end up 3-5 years with others who are 3-5 years so building those key friendships is almost non-existent and the "commonalities" are strictly based off of military most of the time, but I have found a way to break through that. I am currently in Hawaii and live on a military base. It usually starts with my kids, I have three two teens and a 7 year old all girls, they make friends, friends come over and I'm kinda the do it all cool dad. We've been here since Oct and I've fixed a few bikes, found a couple in the trash fixed em up and gave them to some of the kids who didn't have bikes, taught a couple to ride who's parents were deployed, or single parent with not enough time when I find time. Then we have "drive way movie night" where we invite the neighborhood over for outdoor movies in the drive way, always a kids movie the parents come by to see who I am and if it's okay for their kids to be hanging out past 9 o'clock outside on a weekend. I provide a safe controlled environment with popcorn cotton candy and a movie.

So the parents always end up hanging out and talking for a while and the topic always comes up and we end up talking about it and we all size each other up about what we know what we'd do and whatnot. So last night I met two families, one is kinda new, both LDS by chance, I was born and raised LDS but have been inactive for years, I drink and swear, etc... But we had a nice little talk about what we'd do and it turned into we should plan a camping trip and teach our kids some stuff, so I may have started my little community. I haven't had a good one since 2014 when I left Colorado we had a meet up group of over 40 with a core group of 12-15 that we did stuff every week and monthly trips to the woods, love to get there again.

I posted this to give others ideas of how to get something going and to see others ways to build their community. I know a lot think they will ignore their neighbors and not need them, but I believe, being a father of 3, that I will need them, security, barter, information, medical, etc... If you are one that believes you will lone wolf or screw the community you are welcome to give your reasoning why, but I for one have gotten rid of the mentality my family will out survive every other family around me because I have preps and they don't. A desperate community in an emergency will do drastic things where an educated and willing community that works together before an emergency will be more likely to work together in an emergency.

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Community - My hardest prep

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