mardi 31 juillet 2018

A visit to the doctor--I pay $6500--they pay $0

Sitting in the doctor's office yesterday. I'm in need of a heart valve replacement.

So I've got this $6500 annual deductible on my insurance. Discussing with their accounting people how I can pay this.

While I'm doing that, a Hispanic woman comes in with 3 kids. Can't speak a word of English. They have to call in the translator. However there's one English word I do hear her say in response to a question:


A few minutes later, in walks this Hispanic dad, wife and 2 kids. Once again: "No habla englais". But they DO know one word:


But I'm just a 63 year old white guy. I've got "white privilege", supposedly. Yeah sure. Working an ordinary job, living in a 40 year old 2 bedroom ranch home. But that disqualifies me from 100% paid medical coverage, $2 co-pays on prescription drugs, paid dental care.

So I have to somehow come up with $6500, while paying a hefty monthly premium out of my wage check, PLUS paying taxes to support "immigrants" on Medicaid.

Do you think if I "immigrated" to Mexico, I could get the same free medical care that people get here in the U.S.?

What's the Spanish word for "Medicaid"?

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A visit to the doctor--I pay $6500--they pay $0

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