jeudi 26 juillet 2018

How would you rate your overall level of fitness?

I've seen many mentions of physical fitness being mentioned as essential and necessary to survival and I agree.

Overall, I think am fit enough to get by, but I still have room to get fitter.

Cardio activity is my weak point if it isn't rucking or boxing. For the life of me I cannot run continuously for more than a few minutes, and that is usually pre-workout wearing nothing but shorts, a t-shirt, and running shoes. Primarily I focus on strength and grip training with a focus on live saving exercises like pull ups, push ups, bench presses, and squats. I am by no means a bodybuilder or a fitness fanatic.

This is the first time I've made a poll thread so I don't know if I made the poll right, gimme a few mins to fix the poll if I didn't make it right.

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How would you rate your overall level of fitness?

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