mercredi 9 janvier 2019

Democrats desperate for some positive history.

IMO it could be democrats in this latest show down on immigration are seeking some type of positive moment in history they can point to. To date their past it filled with failure, fraud, slavery and a consistent and unblemished record of being on the wrong side of history.

Let's review:

-Democrats gave America slavery. Republicans fought them and even went to war to end slavery and 650K American died to stop Democrats.

-Democrats in response wrote the Jim Crow laws and abused millions of Americans.

-Democrats created the KKK to terrorize former slaves. Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks

-Democrats fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history.

-Democrats jailed Japanese Americans in WW2 and put them in camps.

-Democrats fought against the 19th Amendment (women's right to vote). In 1878, California Republican Aaron A. Sargent introduced the 19th Amendment permitting women the right to vote. It was defeated by the Democratic-controlled Congress. Republicans re-introduced the bill every year with no success. In the end, democrats lost that war.

-Democrats through the 1960's and 70's democrats built nearly every single ghetto in America under the false guise of "helping blacks" while destroying the black family. Gave them dysfunctional and nearly worthless, unionized inner-city schools which ensured their failure and kept them ignorant yet kept them voting (D).

-Democrats entangled our nation in Vietnam. We are still dealing with the wounds of that war.

Their best pathetic excuse in all this failure and greed (believe it or not) is to claim they were actually the Republicans all along <wink>. Yes the mythical party-switch that is not only not true it requires an IQ lower than 80 to believe such a fair tale of historical falsehoods.

In conclusion Democrats have been consistently on the wrong side of history. From our beginning to this very day. It's my guess they are again desperately seeking to salvage something they can point to as right, courageous and historically correct because of the massive defeats and shameful record of abuse they are forced to carry.

Sadly they are wrong yet again on immigration and the border wall. Their consistent and unblemished record will continue on.

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Democrats desperate for some positive history.

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