dimanche 13 janvier 2019

RED FLAG LAWS: the ultimate danger to freedom

Just what are the proposed "RED FLAG LAWS"? These are new types of state laws that are intended to deprive gun owners of their guns by circumventing the United States Constitution and "Due Process".

How is this possible? While Red Flag Laws will probably differ slightly from one state to another, most will have several things in common, such as:

(1) They will be CIVIL LAWS, not criminal laws, which will allow the states to legally bypass all the protections against unwarranted searches and seizures contained in the Constitution.

(2) No evidence of a crime will be needed to be proven or even alleged by the state before they raid your home and confiscate your guns. All that will be required in most cases is an anonymous (phony?) complaint.

(3) You will not have the right to a free lawyer or a jury trial because no criminal arrest means there is no requirement for a trial.

(4) It will cost thousands of dollars out of pocket to try and get your guns back, whether you are successful or not. And you will probably never be successful.

Think it can't be legally done by the state? The states have been using Civil Laws for many years to raid homes and confiscate children with no more evidence of child abuse than anonymous (often phony) complaints. And ask the many innocent parents that have been victimized by these CIVIL LAWS how difficult it was to get their kids back!

Let's block ads! (Why?)

RED FLAG LAWS: the ultimate danger to freedom

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