jeudi 3 janvier 2019

Unexpected Emergency, difficult to prepare for.

Toward the end of November, I was on vacation. I decided to come to work one day to help with some job interviews. It was a Thursday. I felt some pain toward my right hip, and was uncomfortable. I suffered through things, and it wasn't until Monday, when I realized I needed to go in to the ER, as I was suffering at work. I finished the day, went home and set up several day's worth of medication for a family member, drove into the Emergency Room, and got front loaded. My appendix had ruptured approximately four days earlier, the septic material did a number on my body, there were other complications, and after hours of surgery, which they told me was three operations in one, with me having lost some of my guts, I was sitting up, suddenly wide awake with my Ex Wife, and Daughter staring at me. Terms from medical staff included 'surgical team' and 'high risk'. I guess there was a period of grave concern over something during the surgery but I made it.

I'm still sitting at home, recovering. In about two weeks, I'll be able to go back to work.

So, what did I learn?

1. Nothing can be done to prevent such an emergency. I asked after the fact, could the appendix be removed before hand. The answer I got, maybe for me, or in general was NO, they don't do that. This came out of the blue, I couldn't remember any specific warnings. Only 2 out of 12 symptoms matched on WebMD or whatever I checked so I discounted appendicitis!
2. I'd be dead if this had been a period where services were done, some chaos reigning in the streets. The reality is in a SHTF scenario, we can die from things we are likely to survive during normal times.
3. Being damn fat complicated matters and greatly increased the risks. being in shape is a critical prep I've neglected and underestimated. To be fat is to be selfish, everyone was further concerned about me and it made the surgery much more difficult.
4. I've considered employment with Medical Insurance a Prep. This would have financially devastated me without it.
5. I've considered saved leave as a prep. I'd be harmed financially without having banked leave.
6. You gotta get active and listen carefully. The second they said I could get up and try to go the the bathroom, I did. I wanted to get going, literally, out of concern. Later, I found out that it is very, very possible to have complications. At the same time, you don't want to over do things.
7. Having family and/or friends is critical. Serious injury or illness is too much to get through alone.
8. Stockpiles matter. without going into detail, it was wonderful having on hand loads of toilet paper, cleaning items, spare underwear, towels, laundry soap and medications. Ironically, some stockpiles are no good. Received a recommendation, NO to low carbos, NO seeds, No dried fruit (temporary) and I had a lot of that stuff on hand.

Now please, as I totally missed the cues on appendicitis, can anyone tell me some additional unexpected but treatable conditions that can stricken a person, that MUST be dealt with early to prevent complications? What are the impossible to miss warnings signs and symptoms?

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Unexpected Emergency, difficult to prepare for.

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