mercredi 23 janvier 2019

We are made in the image of God

This verse in (Genesis 1:26-27) states that God made the first man and woman "in His own image".

For as long as I can remember this verse has greatly intrigued me, maybe even intimidated me a bit but a constant reminder of this awesome responsibility each of us carry and what this means to be "The very image" of God himself.

I would like to ask everyone what you think this means and if anyone has any special insights on this subject.

<A few thoughts?

-Many other commentators and scholars refer to it as "a council". But if this is so, with whom is God consulting? And why? Does the Bible give us any hint?

-Is it a physical likeness? Although clearly God is spirit (John 4:24) and does not have a body like a man, when He appeared visibly to men according to the OT record, He did so in the form of a human body (Genesis 18:1-2, 32:24, 28,30).

-God gave us the intellectual ability which was and is far superior to that of any animal on the earth. So man was given a mind capable of hearing and understanding God's communication with us, even emotions capable of responding to God in love and devotion, and a will which enabled him to choose whether or not to obey God. So we are fully equipped, not only to "love God and obey Him forever".

Final thoughts...

I've noticed when God created the vegetation and the animals, He made them all after its/their kind (the phrase occurs ten times in the book of Genesis. So if we have the 1st grass, the 1st tree, the 1st tiger and they were made after "their kind" would that mean they are representative of any all ready existing creation either in heaven etc??? Any thoughts???

When He created Adam out of the dirt, He made him after the God-kind in the image and likeness of God (Acts 17:28). After the Fall, man is still said to be in God’s image (Genesis 9:6; 1 Corinthians 11:7) and likeness (James 3:9).

However was this image was defiled by man's rebellion at the Fall, and all aspects of God's image were tarnished some how?

Nevertheless these aspects were perfect in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was and is "the image of the invisible God" (Colossians 1:15), and the express image of God (Hebrews 1:3) both in His life on earth and in Heaven.

Yes things that keep my mind busy pondering while on those long evening walks with the dogs. I would appreciate your thoughts...


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We are made in the image of God

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