mercredi 23 janvier 2019

Configuring multiple electricity sources

There have been some good posts in the past weeks here about generators, backup systems, batteries and PV cells. I am wondering how these would be configured. Is the best option to have your PV cells charge your batteries (PV Cells > batteries > house) AND also have an alternator charge your batteries and then have all of your electrical needs met by the batteries (Alternator > batteries > house)? Or would you have dual channels, (PV Cells > batteries > house) and (generator > house)? When you answer, please include the total costs of each option i.e. cost of procurement, costs of fuel and operation, long terms costs (will batteries wear out faster, etc) and costs of installation.

Assume that electricity is not being used to generate heat of any kind (space heating, cooking, etc) and the biggest uses of electricity are going to be a well pump and air conditioning. Would there be value in running both of these off of a separate installation, i.e. getting a generator to create electricity to power these 2 devices separately? The water could be pumped while the air conditioning is being used.


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Configuring multiple electricity sources

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