mardi 26 janvier 2016

Almost Drowned...

Another story I read reminded me of this incident and since it involved kayaking I figured I would share it here.

Last year about this time I decided to go for a short paddle alone on Mott lake on FT Bragg. I don't know why but I am always drawn to the back of the lake where a small stream feeds the lake. Maybe because in the summer if feels like paddling up some narrow jungle river, I don't know. Anyways it is January so it is pretty cold out. The stream is just wide enough for one kayak and it is kind of like a mangrove on either side, no solid ground. I can't remember what it was but something caught my attention directly behind me. As I turned to look my kayak started to tip. I was in my wife's kayak which isn't as wide and stable as mine is, so it tipping caught me off guard. I tried to lean back and compensate but it was too late. My first thought was what idiot falls out of a kayak in smooth water. No big deal I thought, I just have to get back in after I somehow drain the 4 inches of water in the boat. I found a root to stand on and was somehow able to dump most of the water out, all but maybe an inch or so. Then I figured I could grab a tree and pull myself into the yak. Turns out the tree was covered with some pretty stout thorns. So that plan is out. Finally I find a submerged embankment that I can probably stand on to get back in. Little did I know as soon as I put any weight on it my foot would go through a bunch of muck and a tangle of roots.

At this point my situation is starting to get a little more desperate. My life jacket is strapped down in the back of the kayak (I'm an idiot I know) and I am holding onto the edge of the kayak for flotation. The kayak is wanting to float away from me so it is kind of stretching me out and lowering me in the water, right foot still stuck. I was stuck in this position for probably at least 20 minutes. I started to think damn, 3 deployments and 2 years contracting in Iraq and I am going to die kayaking. I was starting to lose feeling in my legs when I finally got my foot loose. With nothing around to help me into the boat I just decided to swim my kayak out about 100 yards to get to some solid ground. I needed to get the blood flowing anyway. Then the mile or so paddle back to the truck was nice and chilly.

I guess the point of the story is no matter how trivial and low risk some outdoor activity seems, always take a buddy if possible and take your safety gear seriously.

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Almost Drowned...

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