vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Caching supplies at kids school?

Hi all - want to get some feedback on this -

My wife and I were talking the other evening about the possibility of an EMP or similar taking the power out while one or more of our kids were at school - none yet driving - point on that in a sec.

My wife works at the school but was home that particular evening. We've discussed this scenario many times, and have planned by placing a large GHB with sufficient supplies for all of them about 3 days. They could divide the load with the kids book bags. Distance is roughly 15 miles. Or basis has always been she's (and the supplies) would be there. But, as I indicated, she wasn't that night garnering the discussion.

My oldest is in driver training and we've already built him a GHB that sits in his truck when he begins driving (but was home that night).

My question is -
What does everyone think of caching supplies at the school grounds or nearby enough that it could be retrieved pretty quick on the way out or for retrieving and bringing back to the school if they had to stay put for awhile?

There's lots of nearby woods but not sure where the property ends and other begins. So, more than likely, breaking some somebody's rules.

If they were all together when the event occurred, it could act as a backup to shore their GHBs with.

If one or more were there by themselves, they could retrieve it for support.
BTW, I don't anticipate any of them walking home alone, though I might consider planning for my 16 year old to lead them home as an alternate should my wife not be with them. (I'd leave as well and head that way on a pre-planned route).

I was thinking of the MTM Survivor can -

and using this list:
Ammo - 40
40 Cal handgun

Good idea Bad? Right wrong? Any other supplies to add? Originally was going to leave out the handgun, but frankly, all three of my kids are proficient and this would be considered an emergency situation.

My wife has her CHL and carries her gun with her (extra ammo), so the cache would provide a secondary weapon for my oldest should they be together or for him should he be alone.

We are still discussing other options like finding a locker at the school to store a bag in etc, but it's all up in the air at this point.

Always grateful for sound advice .. Thanks

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Caching supplies at kids school?

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