dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Pain B Gone Rub #4

Versions 1, 2 & 3 weren't strong enough.

I have pretty intense pain across my left rib cage, left shoulder and neck due to a work related injury and absolutely refuse to take pain pills, even OTC.

After quite a bit of research and testing, this works wonders for me and alleviates ALL the pain completely.

It does have quite a few ingredients in it, but if you're one that has to deal with any type of intense pain - they're well worth the investment. It is fairly simple to make.

NOTE: I am NOT a doctor nor do I have any medical training. Do your own research on these ingredients before using them and make your own informed decisions for yourself and your family. If you choose to make this recipe, you bear any and all risk involved.


Turpentine: This recipe contains 100% pure, organic gum spirits of turpentine. This is NOT the turpentine that you buy at wally world. If you're concerned about using it, leave it out, though the end result does not have the same effect without it. In my opinion, Grandma had it figured out. Again, do your own research and make an informed decision.

Cayenne Pepper: The cayenne I use is 97,000 Scoville heat units. It is not 'store bought' cayenne. You may need to adjust the amount of cayenne if you're using a lower grade. I highly suggest trying it on a small patch before using it over large areas. Just because it's not too hot for me, doesn't mean it won't be too hot for you.

Essential Oils: Be sure to use 100% therapeutic grade essential oils NOT aromatherapy oils. They are not the same.


Pain Be Gone Rub #4

Ingredients Part 1:
1 1/2 c. olive oil
1 T cayenne pepper
2 capsules (400 mg each) corydalis
1 T lemon balm
1 T white willow bark
1 T caledula
1 T cloves
1 T ginger root
1 T comfrey
1 T epsom salt (powdered w/mortar and pestle)

Ingredients Part 2:
1 1/2 T beeswax

Ingredients Part 3:
1/2 t. 100% pure, organic gum spirits of turpentine
1/4 t. frankincense essential oil
1/4 t. clove essential oil
1/4 t. wintergreen essential oil

1. Run all DRY ingredients in Part 1 through a food processor just enough to break them up. Add to double boiler with olive oil. Bring to boil, then simmer for 2 hours. Let cool, then cover and let sit overnight.

2. Strain through mesh sieve, then coffee filter.

3. Reheat in double boiler and add beeswax. Stir until melted. Remove from heat completely.

4. Stir in all ingredients in Part 3. Pour into sterilized jars (I use recycled baby food jars) and set in refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Remove and cap.

To use: Rub a small amount into painful area. It is oil based, so a little goes a long way.

IMPORTANT: ALWAYS wash hands thoroughly after use. TWICE. The cayenne is pretty intense when it hits the mucus membranes and is easily transferred to eyes, nose and lips when you touch your face. Do not use on open wounds or broken skin.

I've given jars to friends as gifts and they all have asked for more.

Hope this helps someone else.

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Pain B Gone Rub #4

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