samedi 30 janvier 2016

Starting out Library

Gents what's a good 5-6 book library for a starting survivalist ? Assuming someone with a military/hunting background but minimal experience at making life work if major systems went down permanently. You probably get asked this a lot, and I am reading stickies and searching but there is so much material. Any shortcuts would be great to know.

I've narrowed it down to a few categories I'd like to learn about which may be covered by individual books...

1.Home craft- mending, making soap, field cooking, drying fruits, making preserves, etc.

2. Bush craft and game- shelters, trapping, skinning, butchering, snaring, tanning, etc.

3. Farming . Livestock and tending small crops for a small household.

4.Engineering/handyman- (assuming not trying to learn to build bridges) more a home handyman book for repair of Auto, plumbing, power, carpentry. Also off grid, old fashioned/ non electrical methods?

5. Family medical care.

6. Have book on local flora, edible and medicinal, in my region which is my basic starting book.

Tactical and emergency care knowledge covered as ex-military.

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Starting out Library

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