mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Here Is Every Aircraft Carrier in the World


Originally Posted by Runamok View Post

And yet people think we should build even more and be involved in more conflicts throughout the globe. We have 10x the carriers of China and they are light years more advanced.

Um...., errrr..... Light years more advanced??? You realize the carrier they just retrofitted was an old Soviet era aircraft carrier that they could not launch their own aircraft off as they were to heavy, right? They had to purchase Russian made Sokia's that could launch from the deck.

That being said, the one thing I always felt that our government should be experts at is kicking ass. I don't care for all the little conflicts we get entangled in but I do want our military to be the biggest and baddest in the world. One thing Teddy said correctly was "Walk softly, but carry a big stick!"

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Here Is Every Aircraft Carrier in the World

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