mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Very effective kapok/scrap-candle wax fire starter

Kapok salvaged from free life preservers.
Kapok is easily ignitable & extremely flammable.

Place ½ inch thick flat layer of kapok in pan.

Pour melted scrap candle wax over kapok.
Pat down flat with a spatula.

Allow pan content to cool until hard.
Once hardened, smack upside down pan on a cutting board, releasing content.

With a VERY sharp long knife cut hardened wax/kapok slab into small squares.

As a test, take a small square outside, ignite in a safe place.
½ inch thick X ¾ inch X ¾ inch piece will usually burn for 8 to 10 minutes.

Doesn't take much kapok & scrap candle wax to quickly make a few hundred of these fire starters.

Will shortly demonstrate about the same thing using little thin cotton make-up remover pads.
Don't have time to edit/resize the pictures at the moment.
All it takes is "amp'ing up" the wax mixture with additional fuel & a slightly differing technique.
Ignited example below:

It’s dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong. The price of freedom can be seen at your local VA hospital.

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Very effective kapok/scrap-candle wax fire starter

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