mercredi 27 avril 2016

After you stoped the bleeding and have lost A LOT of blood

Recently I've had some internal bleeding (which has stopped) and it made me realize that in a SHTF bugg-in IF you get wounded/hurt and you loose A LOT of blood. Your going to be extremely weak for a LONG period of time, pending on how much loss it could take months to recover. You will not be able to hunt or fish, for a time you will be doing good just to walk to the living room with out needing a nap. (anyone who has lost A lot of blood know what I'm talking about)You will have little to no energy and what energy you do have gets burned up really quick. It makes you feel like your in your 90ies. Problem is sleep really doesn't help much at all.

What will help you get back on your feet faster is HIGH doses of IRON. What I was prescribed was 325mg take 3x with meals per day. Even with this iron supplement its taken me 5 weeks and I'm just now able to go to Walmart without wanting to take a nap afterwards. I'm no where near being totally recovered, bottomline once you have lost large amounts of blood your recovery will be slow.

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After you stoped the bleeding and have lost A LOT of blood

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