mardi 26 avril 2016

FarmerChads 2016 Market Garden

Thought I would throw my hat in the ring. Last year there was some interest in my "Market Garden". For those who are not familiar, a "Market Garden" is grown mostly for the sale of produce at a Farmers Market. We do keep and preserve what doesn't sell, so its not just about the money.

As to whats new this year:

Moved the small greenhouse.

Built a larger greenhouse.

So now 2 GH's. The small one is 12x24, the larger is 12x48. The larger one is still a work in progress. I still have to build the end walls, cover with plastic, and finish installing the perlins. All of that can wait though. In order to make use of that space, I am growing tomatoes up the strings tied off to the GH. One side has, I believe 23 plants?

Im currently growing out 125 - 140 tomatoes. I have roughly 50 bell pepper plants going. About a dozen banana peppers plants. No body seemed to purchase the bananas in any large quantities last year... so that was a no brainer.

Due to a ankle injury/situation I am way behind. Haven't started any squash or zucchini. Haven't started the Hydroponic Cucumbers. Might just have to buy the plants and hope for the best.

Still have to finish filling 2 new raised beds. Due to my ankle, I was hobbling around on a cane. I wasn't able to get much of anything finished. So is life I guess.

I did discover 2 maters growing on a Big Beef plant, this morning.

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FarmerChads 2016 Market Garden

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