mercredi 27 avril 2016

Survivalist Forum SHTF TEOTWAWKI Survival Forum en Wed, 27 Apr 2016 18:51:44 GMT vBulletin 180 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 18:37:04 GMT Any judge or jury that awards this guy should be thrown in jail! [/QUOTE]Convicted Burglar Sues Homeowner Who Shot Him

A convicted burglar is suing an Indiana homeowner who shot him during an attempted break-in two years ago.

According to authorities, David Bailey broke into David McLaughlin's Dunkirk, Indiana, garage in April 2014.[QUOTE] ]]> General Discussion das0 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 18:27:28 GMT If you are a science person, you probably know what a symbiotic relationship is. If you don't know? That's okay! I'll gladly explain it! In science, biology specifically, there is a phenomenon known as symbiosis. This is when two organisms of different species coexist together, and each organism is mutually beneficial to the other. One provides something beneficial to the other organism which can't produce that thing on its own and vice versa, thus, a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship is formed. How does this relate to gardening? There is a fungus (relax, it's not bad or poisonous) that has symbiotic capabilities with any plant that you grow in your garden. The fungus is called Mycorrhizae (MIKE-or-EYE-zee) and it lives underground. What it does is attach to the roots of plants and grows downward, deeper into the soil than the plant's roots can reach, creating a large fibrous network of tube-like structures that reach down into the soil to get water and nutrients for the plant that the plant couldn't otherwise reach on its own. It almost acts as an extension of the roots. In return, the plant gives the Mycorrhizae sugars made from photosynthesis. From the perspective of the Mycorrizhae, this amount of sugar is more than it could get on its own without the plant, making it a symbiotic relationship. The overall result, the plant grows bigger, is healthier, and yields more for harvest than it would without this beneficial fungus.

You can buy Mycorrizhae at the store or online, and all you have to do is sprinkle it in your garden

On the left is a basil plant that was given the Mycorrizhae fungus, and on the right was the control: basil not given the fungus

Attached Images
]]> TheSixthFooFighter Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:59:35 GMT I completed the American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid class a few months ago. It was well taught and I learned a lot of basic first aid. ... I completed the American Heart Association Heartsaver First Aid class a few months ago. It was well taught and I learned a lot of basic first aid.

One of the things I learned was to compress and bandage severe bleeding.

Recently I was on a camping trip when a friend split open his lip when a piece of firewood hit him in the mouth while chopping.

Firm compression with wadded gauze, after about 15 min, stopped the serious blood flow.

But I was at a loss as to how bandage the wound once the bleeding has stopped.

So how does one bandage a mouth wound, especially a lip?

Thanks for your replies. ]]> Health, Fitness and First Aid AlgoRhythms Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:58:08 GMT I'm just curious what the turnaround time is for others when ordering precious metals from dealers online. I've been ordering some ASEs from Aydin Coins and Jewelry online and from the time I placed my order it is taking right around 10-11 days before it arrives in my mailbox.

Is that others' experience as well with other companies or does this seem slow?

Could you post the company you order from and how long it takes to get to your doorstep/mailbox?

If it makes any difference I usually buy small orders, 5 ASE at a time because it is slightly discounted and I like the free shipping.

ETA - I get the shipping notice right around 5-6 days after I place the order. ]]> Financial Forum powderandprimers Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:55:33 GMT Three months ago, I installed a Cycle Stop Valve (CSV) and removed the large pressure tank after doing the same for a neighbor over a year ago. ... Three months ago, I installed a Cycle Stop Valve (CSV) and removed the large pressure tank after doing the same for a neighbor over a year ago. Since it has been installed, it has worked as advertised and I am satisfied with the results. My neighbor just called me to say that his pump went out and the technician who serviced his well told me it was due to the CSV causing the bearings to go out on the pump. After speaking at length with the technician, he told me he has had to replace several pumps which use a CSV and in every case, it was the bearings went out on the pump. Now I am wondering if I should replace the CSV with a conventional tank as it was for many years. ]]> DIY - Do It Yourself Drdialtone Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:53:51 GMT Interesting little article about the Cali AG demanding private political donor lists, in a likely effort to disclose the contributors, which would... Interesting little article about the Cali AG demanding private political donor lists, in a likely effort to disclose the contributors, which would lead to potential retaliation. Squelching the first ammendment, for conservatives only. This is the stuff of communism and Marxism.. ]]> Political News and Discussion Pitbull_Dallas Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:48:29 GMT SIG P320 9mm 15 Rd Compact w/ FULL LENGTH SLIDE from $417.80 ( Image:... SIG P320 9mm 15 Rd Compact w/ FULL LENGTH SLIDE from $417.80

]]> Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:48:22 GMT Maybe expand this to a short story? ------- Running wouldn’t be so bad if it was just running. It was the always carrying something while... Maybe expand this to a short story?


Running wouldn’t be so bad if it was just running. It was the always carrying something while running. Well the carrying while running with boots and long pants on. No it was more the carrying while running with boots and long pants on and a Vietnam surplus flak jacket. Actually it was the carrying while running with boots and long pants on , wearing a Vietnam surplus flak jacket and a steel pot helmet. The old flak jacket and steel pot were veterans of many other users and didn’t just stink, they stank! They were passed out a week before course and victims well students tried all manner of ways to clean the stank. It didn’t work, maybe a little but just a little.

At least they didn’t run us far sometimes as little as 100 yards, usually 200 to 400 yards and occasionally up to 800 yards. However they us ran over and over and over for what seemed forever but in real life was 45 minutes. Tactical Medic selection a joyous long , unpaid weekend. Everyone was at least an Emergency Medical Technician – Basic, but most were at least Emergency Medical Technician – Intermediate with a few Paramedics and even a registered nurse thrown in.

--- days or was it just hours earlier ....

Selection was Friday through Monday. Friday meant 12:01 am, a pair of candidates racing toward the building at 12:04 were sent home. At 12:10 am a 25 question multiple choice test was given, right on the gym floor. At 12:30 am the PT test started a one mile run in boots, long pants, long shirt, flak jacket and steel pot. The run wasn’t that challenging with a 10 minute time limit. Before the next event two candidates were removed for failing the written test.

The next test was pull-ups, again it wasn’t overly challenging. The standard was three good pullups wearing boots, long pants, long shirt, flak jacket and steel pot. Everyone passed.

The final test of the night was pushups while the standard was twenty, in the now customary wearing boots, long pants, long shirt, flak jacket and steel pot, candidates were encouraged to do at least twenty two in the Again everyone passed.

At shortly after 1:15 am they assembled in the gym of the unused high school. The program director addressed them. “I am Dr. John Henry Holliday." A few chuckles from the class. "While I am technically Dr. John Henry Holliday MD, FACEP and Professor of Emergency Medicine most people do call me Doc. Most of you know I'm also a sworn police officer and member of several SWAT teams including the city, county and State Police. I have a cadre that will be helping us throughout the course. The course will include didactic lecture, practical exercise , physical training and written tests. If you're still with us say 1900 on Monday you will be probationary members of the Tactical EMS unit. Once you complete the qualifications in the probationary stage, usually six to nine months though some do it in a few as six weeks, you will move to the apprentice phase and go on actual call outs with SWAT."

"On those tables", he motioned to the end of the gym, "are GI foam sleeping pads and poncho liners, they make a very comfortable bed." Laughs. "Ok they make a somewhat marginal bed. The other table is your food for the day, a First Strike Ration, 2,900 calories of delicious. You get one per day. Bone appatitie. There are locker rooms at either end of the gym. One is a ladies locker room the other is the men's. Use the one that best matches your anatomy. If you're unsure we're all medical professionals here consult with your colleagues. If you still can't come to a consensus let me know, I have to see that! Until told otherwise the only rooms you go into are the gym and the locker room that matches your physiology. At 0600 tomorrow you will be formed up military style in front of the gym, three squads. Lights out in 15 minutes. Welcome and good luck."

Five minutes later I had a poncho liner, foam pad and a MENU 3 Ration featuring a Honey BBQ Beef Pocket Sandwich. I found some real estate in the middle of the floor and made 'camp' such as it was. I thought about breaking into the ration pack when the lights went out. It was 1:35 am , I set my watch to 5:00 and tried to sleep .... ]]> wtr100 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:37:55 GMT We need to share the Good News with our neighbors. We hear all the time about the secularization of America; about how we have strayed too far from... We need to share the Good News with our neighbors. We hear all the time about the secularization of America; about how we have strayed too far from our Christian roots. That will only get worse if we don't do something. When was the last time you talked to your neighbor about Jesus?

I came up with this idea and I want to see if we can make it work. Stop by the local bakery and pick up some bagels. Drop them off at a nearby place of business with a printed copy of the explanation sheet telling them what the gift is for. Let's bring America back to God, one neighbor at a time.

I am calling it the Matthew 5:16 Project.

Check out the website at
and on Facebook at

Let me know what you think!

"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16 ]]> Religious Discussion too2late Wed, 27 Apr 2016 17:29:11 GMT I picked up a 72 truck that has been repainted with house paint. Is there a decent way to get it off with out wrecking the factory paint that is... I picked up a 72 truck that has been repainted with house paint. Is there a decent way to get it off with out wrecking the factory paint that is under it? ]]> Slim83 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 16:59:29 GMT They will probably precede consumer adoption because trucking companies are motivated to cut costs. ... They will probably precede consumer adoption because trucking companies are motivated to cut costs. ]]> Financial Forum txprep Wed, 27 Apr 2016 16:34:43 GMT Anyone at all? Anyone at all? ]]> Virginia ROWDYPLOTT Wed, 27 Apr 2016 16:17:32 GMT Many years ago when I was a kid, my Dad and I used to park beside a public road by a stream out in the country, walk down into the stream, find some... Many years ago when I was a kid, my Dad and I used to park beside a public road by a stream out in the country, walk down into the stream, find some deep holes, and seine some minnows for fishing bait. I am talking smallish creeks (cricks). Never thought twice about it. Never had anyone question it.

I read somewhere that in MD and most other states the state owns the stream and the land under it. Does that mean if I access the stream by a public road I can walk it as far as it goes, though other landowners' property, and not be trespassing? ]]> General Discussion Sneeky Wed, 27 Apr 2016 16:00:17 GMT American Eagle Bulk Pistol Ammunition .45 Auto 230 Grain FMJ 300 rounds - $79.99 after $30 MIR (Free S/H over $99 w/code "46FREE")

]]> For Sale Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:55:22 GMT American Eagle Bulk Pistol Ammunition .40 S&W 180 Grain FMJ 300 rounds - $59.99 after $30 MIR (Free S/H over $99 w/code "46FREE")

]]> For Sale Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:26:16 GMT Seems that more and more people think we...

Seems that more and more people think we are not alone. ]]> Controversial News and Alternative Politics Blank102 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:20:00 GMT I just came across this and I thought I'd share it:

They have an Indiegogo campaign, but that's pretty much sold out. Like a lot of these efforts they're heavy on the 'save the world' stuff and kind of light on technical details, but they claim a 20 year lifetime for the product with no filters or other parts to replace and the ability to filter almost any kind of dirty water, including salt water, into drinkable water. Target price is $450. Might be worth re-visiting once they actually start shipping product. ]]> Food and water johnmcd Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:19:04 GMT "No this is not an article suggesting that we storm the castle of government, armed with torches and pitchforks, demanding redress, although many would say it is about time. That mob shown in the photo represents the 60% of Democrats demanding or embracing communism (Politico)......."

Read the rest at:

"Those who fail to learn the lessons of the past are doomed to repeat them...." ]]> General Discussion Old Soldier Wed, 27 Apr 2016 15:11:13 GMT Ok... so recently I decided to undertake a week long hike in Israel. (There's another thread about it where I ask people on advice and talk to them in general...)

Before we start, and I honestly am not trying to brag or present myself as a super duper survival ninja commando warrior - but a week outside is not out of my physical\mental limits, and this was supposed to be the great vacation to give me some time apart from the outside world.

Unfortunately I guess this was not meant to be, and here's more or less how it went:

Day 1:

- I begin the hike later than I would have preferred. I wanted to start at sunrise and drive to my location, but I had to turn in a paper to my university which set me back a couple of hours. Instead, I arrive to my destination at 14:00. My starting point is at Kibutz Dan - way up in northern Israel, north to Kiryat Shmona. It's a fine hot Israeli day with no one around but myself, my backpack and two naked girls sunbathing topless... wait... what?!

- Two naked chicks! Yes! This is a good start! So yeah, I kid you not... there were two naked girls of (I guess) legal age sunbathing topless on the grass of the kibutz. I was confused... what do I do now? Do I go? Do I stay? Do I buy them a drink and the three of us film a short documentary on us playing pin the donkey? Then I remembered that I was married and with my head hung low I realized that I won't ever have sex with an eighteen years old girl again. Guess it was time to start walking.

- On the exit of the Kibutz there is a memorial to two Jewish soldiers dying on one of the many battles of the north. A small but grim reminder of where I live, and the cost of living there. (As if the freaking rent wasn't high enough!)

- The trail was a bit confusing but I think I made it to the Shnir stream - a stream of water I was supposed to cross on my trip. Alas - turns out that it's a national reserve and that it costs money to enter. Also turns out that it's open until 16:00 and I came there at 16:19. Well screw me gently, now what?! I was standing in front of a large security gate with big signs saying no entry was allowed and that any perpitrators would be punished. Yeah...

- So as not to incriminate myself any further I would skip describing the next part of my trip, but I will tell you this. From now on I will ALWAYS take a leatherman over a swiss army knife. A cutter is an invaluable tool, one an SAK just does not have. (Also... barbed wire sucks!)

- I'm walking walking walking. No more water streams nor naked women. Just me myself and the trail. I'm making rather good progress. I try to take a 15 minute break every two hours of walking, just to let my feet breathe and check for blisters. So far so good.

- At some point towards the end of the day I got a bit lost and sidetracked away from the trail. That cost me about an hour and a half of walking and by the time I got back to the trail it was already dark. I made sure I was now on the right path and set up my tent. Sleepy time!

- Ok so I may have miscalculated the warmth of Israel a bit and realized that it was bloody cold inside said tent! Luckily - I had a small survival blanket (one of those 2 dollar cheap stuff you buy from china... yeah... don't laugh at me). It made a HUGE difference and I managed to sleep the rest of the night peacefully.

Day 2:

- I wake up with an eery pain in my left knee. What the shikesies is that? Oh well, it'll probably go over in a bit. I gather my gear and start walking.

- I arrive to Kefar Giladi - the resting place of the warriors who fell at the battle of Tel Hai. An impressive monument in the form of a roaring lion stands over their burial place. All eight of them were initially buried in a mass grave, but their bravery was immortalized in the form of the lion statue. May they rest in peace. Oh... there was also a statue of Moses around there for some reason. I have no idea why or what for.

- Climbing up to Kefar Giladi was not so difficult, and from it leads "The Path of the Wounded" - a man made path through a forest, through which the wounded of Tel Hai were transfered to Kefar Giladi for treatment\burial. It's walking down hill and at some points there are man made steps. My left knee dislikes those steps. It cries with pain with every step, reminding me that something is wrong. I don't know much about knees but I tell myself that when I get out of this road\forest - I'm going to give it a rest.

- I'm resting now and as I lie lazily on the side of the trail I meet another traveller. We share some food\drinks and decide to keep walking together. He is no, I repeat, NOT a naked chick. Oh well, lightning can't strike naked twice.

- Up ahead of us is a climb of several hours to a top of a mounain. I think that I'm doing rather fine myself, when my newly found companion suddenly asks me if there is something wrong with my knee. I say that yes and ask how did he know - he tells me that he's a cyropractor and he sees that I'm walking with a locked left knee - which indicates I can't bend it properly. Well hot damn... it's a knee doctor. It's even better than a naked chick at this moment! You just can't make this stuff up... (Well, you could... but I'm not. Honestly.)

- He examines the knee but sees no swelling\visible damage and I assure him that I can take the pain and continue with the climb. We climb that evil cursed mountain up that road for a couple of hours and by the time we finish the ascend I want to chop that foot clean off. All this time that we walked we kept hearing artillery fire from the Syrian border. I know that there's a sort of a civil war there and let me tell you - those guys aren't taking any lunch breaks! Well good for them. Let them keep at it I say.

- We now begin the descent to lower elevation, through a natural field of stones, rocks and other evil objects on to which my injured foot would stumble every thirty seconds. Going down was painful, but each bump would send my injured knee bending in so many unwanted directions that I cried and moaned as if I was an adult film actor. And it was not of one of those gentle films with plot and foreplay - oh no, it was one of those films with whips and ball gags and other things that just should NOT be in there!

- It's about 17:00 now, I have been walking on and off for 10 hours with an injured leg. We have finished the descent and I know now that I won't be able to continue tomorrow. I'm limping on one foot, pondering where I can call for evac and go home. According to our maps there is a border police outpost we should be stopping by - but that's another couple of miles. Normally I could have done it in an hour. Now - I do it in three.

- It's 20:00, we arrive to the outpost, an old fortress probably left abandoned now. I call my emergency number for evacuation and tell him my coordinates. (It was my dad. Yes, I called my parents to come pick me up. I am so manly!)

- As I sit there waiting for my ride to come, I feel bummed out of my skull. My seven days trip turned into a two days one, and I just know I'll have to lie in bed and mope for a couple days more. The good news are that I now know that there was no permanent damage and that I'm pretty much certain I'll do this trip again.

The end. ]]> Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum BadExample Wed, 27 Apr 2016 14:50:05 GMT Can anyone point me towards a forum or other on-line resource to begin understanding more about school buses? Can anyone point me towards a forum or other on-line resource to begin understanding more about school buses? ]]> Disaster Preparedness General Discussion Calling All Cars Wed, 27 Apr 2016 14:32:37 GMT Image: We are working very hard on our new web site...

We are working very hard on our new web site and have brought back the Deal of the Day, however, these deals will be available for a day or two and then be gone as we are making these deals extremely aggressive.

Today's Deal of the Day is the Vortex Diamondback 8.5x50 Binocular, D5085 reduced from $239.99 to only $149.99, or we are also offering this this great binocular with the Vortex Harness Strap reduced from $261.99 to only $159.99 a savings of over $100.00

Superior quality, high-performance hunting optics can find their way around your neck for a surprisingly affordable price. Boasting large, light-grasping objectives along with greater viewing power than delivered by 8x optics, the 8.5x50 Diamondback lets you close in on details missed by others at this time of day. Taking its lead from the Diamondback rattlesnake, this rugged binocular is striking in how well it detects life in low light. Huge field-of-view—the largest in its class— with enhanced fully multi-coated optics, phase-corrected prisms, waterproof and fogproof construction, soft tapered eyecups, rugged rubber armor. It's all there. Now you can use "wow!" and "thank you" in the same sentence.

Magnification 8.5 x
Objective Lens Diameter 50 mm
Eye Relief 21.5 mm
Exit Pupil 5.9 mm
Linear Field of View 283 feet/1000 yards
Angular Field of View 5.4 degrees
Close Focus 9 feet
Interpupillary Distance 61-74 mm
Height 6.9 inches
Width 5.6 inches
Weight 31 ounces

Optical Features
Fully Multi-Coated Increase light transmission with multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.
Phase Correction Coating on roof prism models enhances resolution and contrast.

Construction Features
Roof Prism Valued for greater durability and a more compact size.
Waterproof O-ring seals prevent moisture, dust and debris from penetrating the binocular for reliable performance in all environments.
Fogproof Argon gas purging prevents internal fogging over a wide range of temperatures.
Rubber Armor Provides a secure, non-slip grip, and durable external protection.

Convenience Features
Adjustable Eyecups Twist up and down for comfortable viewing with or without eyeglasses.
Center Focus Wheel Adjusts the focus of both binocular barrels at the same time.
Diopter Adjusts for differences in a user's eyes. Located on right eyepiece.
Tripod Adaptable Compatible with a tripod adapter, allowing use on a tripod or car window mount.

•Rainguard Eyepiece Cover
•Tethered objective lens covers
•Comfort neck strap
•Deluxe custom-molded carry case

Please feel free to call us @ 516-217-1000 with any questions or to place an order.

Thank you for your continued support.
If there is anything else that I can assist you with please let me know.
Camera Land
720 Old Bethpage Road
Old Bethpage, NY 11804
516-217-1000, 212-753-5128
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Please visit for your Fishing Tackle needs ]]> Camera Land gr8fuldoug Wed, 27 Apr 2016 14:02:27 GMT "Now let’s talk about Trump’s sky-high unfavorability rating that hovers around 70%. Trump haters use that figure as their last hope. No one can get elected with such high negatives, they say.

That is cognitive dissonance. And it is one of the cleanest examples you will ever see. I’ll tell you why......."
Read the rest at:

Very interesting take on the subject, I invite comment. ]]> Political News and Discussion Old Soldier Wed, 27 Apr 2016 13:55:02 GMT i believe many of us will not live long enough to eat our 25yr, shelflife foods. postshtf many things will arise. home invasion sickness,meds ran... i believe many of us will not live long enough to eat our 25yr, shelflife
foods. postshtf many things will arise. home invasion sickness,meds ran out
i have quite a bit of the socalled survival foods and have been eating them
off and on for some time some brand better than others,back to the topic now, many of our neighbors with kids and full bellies today will like it or not
become advesaries post shtf even more so if you happen to live in a
well let's say socialist state with folks of a socialist mindset, i have a saying
(when daddies little girl say's daddy i'm hungry all bets are off).
make no mistake daddy will kill you to feed his little girl if needs be. a sobering thought indeed. compassion for your neighbors post shtf could likly get you killed. say you give the jonsons a sack of grocries to help them out
well that food wont last long with 6 people in the house, so they come back
oh say 4,days later wanting more . even though you told them this IS all i can spare, i'm sorry, do you think they'll that and just leave. i know so called
good christian familes out here that scare the heck out of me not because
of all the guns they own and i've seen them shoot but mostly thier minset
that's what i worry about. a i''ll do what ever i have to do to feed my family
and i won't get into the conversations i've had with the father they really
showed a dark side indeed. when we spoke of things

postshtf. so how well do we really know our neighbors my guess is
not as well as we would like to.
or should i rephrase that not as well as we need to. wath your six is all i'm saying. for we are entering into a dangerous new world. ]]> Disaster Preparedness General Discussion hayshaker62 Wed, 27 Apr 2016 13:54:43 GMT Mission First Tactical BMS Stock - Mil-Spec - Black - $39 shipped... Mission First Tactical BMS Stock - Mil-Spec - Black - $39 shipped

]]> For Sale Wed, 27 Apr 2016 13:44:57 GMT 1911 9mm Handguns In-Stock Now ( 1911 9mm Handguns In-Stock Now ]]>

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