mercredi 27 avril 2016

I'd like to hear about your herb garden....

Because in NorthBest, and also because the ground around here has been historically poisoned by Arsenic and lead from long-operating smelter, we raise Herbs in "Smart Pots" either in table/trays (waist-high tubs on legs) or in a Greenhouse.

Rosemary is as near to unkillable as there is. Don't over water! Once a week! They grow big, so a pot of Five Gallon size is good.

Basil is Easy, but you must keep pinching off, and because we use so much, we are always replanting. Fun to explore the many different Varieties! We usually plant some in "Earth Pots" and some in individual Smart Pots, of Two-Gallon size.

Thyme, English, is pretty Hardy, but French Thyme is not. One or Two Gallon size is about right, this will overgrow/hang down.

Sage is finicky, but careful tending keeps it going. Have been unable to grow enough yet.

Mint (of six kinds) is a weed! Grows great in the Smart Pots, and needs only dividing/transpotting about every third year. Pick pot size to provide enough - we use Two gallon or Three Gallon size for our Mints. The Smart Pots, off the ground, and not touching or reaching into others, keep things from spreading! Give some away to every visitor!

Parsley is productive, but delicate/finicky, both curly and flat leaf, and not enough in Four One-Gallon SmartPots. Volunteers growing up between the flagstones all over the Greenhouse!

Dill is another weed-like herb, doesn't much care what it is grown in. We use both Hard-side and Smart-Pots, both around Two-Gallon size to make plenty! Transpot every Two Years or so.

Marjoram is quite picky, and I can't seem to find right conditions,soil,or pot to be successful as I wish.

Oregano goes great in an "EarthBox" style "pot" (One foot by three feet tub on wheels, with water reservoir beneath), taking over the whole thing, and being a sort of bushy growth. Plenty enough for Two folks who cook and entertain a bit. Repot/Divide every Two or Three Years.

Spanish Lavender grows well in larger Hardside pots outside, pretty Hardy. Pots are Five -Gallon, or slightly larger. Repot every Three or Four Years.

IIRC, those are whatwe have grown here in last few years.

We use Miracle grow potting soil exclusively - other cheaper potting soil have presented problems every brand we have tried.

Oh yeah: we start everything (that likes transplanting) in our AeroGardens, and grow some things inside the house in them all Year. Expensive, but no bugs, no slugs, and handy. Right on the Dining Table, nearby, and in the Kitchen. We have Four.

While not "Herbs", Potatoes, Rhubarb, Kale, and Rainbow Swiss Chard are low maintenance, Hardy and tasty!

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I'd like to hear about your herb garden....

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