mardi 26 avril 2016

ATF Proposed Changes to Form 4473

By stretching it a bit, let's say you live in a state that passed gun laws you don't agree with and they know you have guns not registered. You moved them out of state to by-pass the law but actually complied by doing so. That makes them unhappy so they decide to question you about said guns and want to know where the guns went and to prove it. So you then move also.

Now you are avoiding giving testimony. It's perhaps an extreme example of where that could end up, but given the current environment, one I could see. It's just more regulations being piled on with questionable verbiage written in. If you ignore it and it is later found you lied, now it's federal. Nothing good comes from that.

The BATFE is not your friend. Anything they do should be suspect. Given our current court system, you're a fool if you believe otherwise.

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ATF Proposed Changes to Form 4473

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