vendredi 29 avril 2016

FBI Is One Step Closer To Getting Legal Authority To Hack Computers Everywhere

It's because of a kiddie porn case where they were using a proxy server. They attempted to get the warrant in the jurisdiction but by the time they got to the actual server, it was somewhere else and there was a suppression hearing on these grounds and it got suppressed.

I'm usually against expansion like this but what are you supposed to do? Get a warrant every time you break another proxy? I don't have the answer or even a valid opinion until I read and research more, but they did have a warrant to hack the website. It just ended up being elsewhere when they got to the end of the trail. Still within FBI jurisdiction but in another court circuit.

And now the pedophiles evidence is thrown out,even with a good warrant, because the investigation took them into another courts jurisdiction.

Maybe some of our IT can chime in. Would it have hindered the investigation to stop until they procured a new warrant? Would the operator of the website have know. Someone was trying to get in and had the ability to block it of they waited? Would they lose a window of opportunity and had to start all over? Legitimately asking because I don't know.

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace;" -Thomas Paine

Let's block ads! (Why?)

FBI Is One Step Closer To Getting Legal Authority To Hack Computers Everywhere

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