samedi 30 avril 2016

The Modern weapon that is the part of folk lore

As I grew up, I found myself in a family that has a literary and educated background. There were three family relics, among others , which devolved upon me/ my generation, through centuries and manifest our educated family background . One is a copy of Quran , magnificently hand written by my great grand father( six degrees / generations high above me ) , Secondly , a document written on a piece of animal skin, showing the sale of an area of land by my great grand father ( seven degrees/ generations high above me). That document is written in Persian and is jotted down in persuasion of a Quranic injunction to write down every deal or transaction one makes. The area mentioned in the document presently falls in Balochistan and third relic is the ring which I wear since 2003. It bears the name of my same grandfather, in mirror image, who had the honour of writing a copy of Quraan . It is a seal or stamp which my grandfather used to affix on the “Fatwa” or “Decree” he used to issue in capacity of a Mufti . Please note that the area, to which my forefathers belonged to, or even the area I live in today, is unfortunately considered one of those having a very less literacy rate. One could imagine that even in those areas, which are still ravaged by illiteracy, my great grandfathers were educated enough to write Quraan , document their transactions and issue decrees centuries ago
The reason of telling you about my family background is just to let you friends know that being a member of an an educated family , I am well versed with the literature of, Persian , Sindhi , Balochi, , Urdu ,Punjabi , Pashto, Arabic Hindi etc , either by reading those languages directly or through translations and now through modern education, I am well versed with the literature of west also . It is a very strange phenomenon that literature of nearly all those languages is teemed with the references of weapons of the era before the machines rose to prominence that is crudely called as Agricultural or feudal era. If you ask me , I could quote hundreds of verses from Arabic , Persian , ,sensikrat (the root language or the mother language of Indo- Aryan languages and German language) hindi , balochi , Punjabi , sindhi , sraiki , Urdu languages, in which the swords , arrows , bows , daggers , spears etc etc are mentioned as the references to the beauty of beloved or in any other related matter. In the classic literature of these languages, a lover is described to have felt that a pair of arrows has pierced through his heart when his beloved raises her eyes and looks at him. At some moments, a poet describes the curt behavior of his beloved as deadly as direct blow a spear dipped in venom. For poets and lovers , the moments passed in separation from the beloved are passing over them as the sharp edge of sword passes over the throat of one who is being slaughtered . At the moments the curved eye brows of beloved are compared to tight bows that help fire a volley of arrows of the deadly sights from the eyes of beloved. And interestingly, in the eastern languages, these references are still used in their poetry . I have never heard or red and poetic piece where the sight of beloved is compared to the a 50 BMG bullet fired from a Barret sniper rifle ,or the wink of an eye from the loved one is compared to a 9mm round . or I have never hared any song in which it is said the un- courteous behavior of beloved has devastated the heart of lover as a rocket propelled grenade or a javelin missile devastates a tank or APC . There are lots of phrases like “stabbing in back” but I am yet to hear a proverb like “firing in the back (or front)”. There are some notes though, in western poetry, about the present day weapons, but those very few poetic works are yet to be acclaimed by the literary critics as the permanent and classical parts of literatures of the respective languages
It is even a strange phenomenon that on one hand , the modern weapons based on firearm principles, have been very actively shaping the geopolitical scenario of the the world since centuries , they are considered not worthy of mentioning by the writers and poets in their poetic works and lyrics but there is one exception to it too. There is a modern weapon that has been successful in making its place in the creation of poets and writers; even you can found that weapon in the building of United Nations, proudly making its presence felt by being embossed on the national flag of a sovereign, independent country

Yes, you got it .the modern weapon that has made its way in the folk lore and literature of many languages is legendary KALASHNIKOV aka the AK47
Kalashnikov is the only weapon that has been able to have such profound impact not only on the geographical and political conflicts but the its legendary ruggedness and reliability has compelled the writers to mention it in their creations. This weapon is sung in folk lore of Vietnamese, Palestinian, , Russian , Afghan, pushto , Persian, balochi Sindhi, darri, tamil, and other countless languages and many other African literatures. . In my opinion , Kalashnikov is the only weapon of modern times , which , like the classic “sword” , has many names , probably different name in in every region .It is called Kalashnikov , Kelashan , Kelash , Thopak , Mashine ( local word for MACHINE),geepak etc etc This is also a fact , however , that this weapon is termed to be having evil features in the western world and is often looked down upon . The debate of AK VS AR is a never ending debate and social media like face book and you tube and gun forums around the world are overwhelmingly filled with discussion threads and videos favoring or disfavoring the respective views . But it doesn’t seem to be reaching to any ultimate conclusion any sooner.
I do not intend to fan the flames of this never ending debate, but I shall exercise my democratic right of freedom of expression being an AK lover , and shall say that I agree with a spaznatz members assertion that AK is a true friend , a mother and a beloved at the same time . It never betrays them in battle as a true friend, its presence and solid feels comforts them as a child is comforted by the soothing feel and the touch of its mother and these qualities of this weapon creates a bond of a love between the soldier and his AK and AK becomes a beloved.
An AR is also a good friend, but a good urban girl friend, decorated with modern makeup, thin, slim, and faithful to her limits but her limits are too narrow and short in comparison to an AK.
If I am asked to try to visualize both weapons / platforms with the help of the picture of my choice available on the internet, my visualization may be something like this

The AK platform

The AR platform

I don’t have a vast experience with AR platform, but once I saw a recruit performing a remarkable maneuver. He had a wall to climb on. He un tied the sling of his AK from stock, kept his AK with its muzzle up with the wall , stepped on the magazine of his AK , jumped a bit , hold the edge of wall with his hand and stabilized himself , climbed the wall and pulled the AK up with the sling he tied in his belt hook. I don’t know if anyone could step upon the magazine of an AR to climb a wall. Apart from this, the links pasted below may speak louder than my words

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The Modern weapon that is the part of folk lore

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